Greetings programs,
As you may know, I am actively campaigning for a seat on the specification committee representing Microsoft. However, regardless of the outcome of the election, I can speak representing Microsoft’s opinion.
Microsoft is glad to see vitality and innovation in Jakarta EE standards. We recognize these are key to continuing to deliver our shared mission with Jakarta EE. Regarding logging, we need to proceed with
extreme care. Among all cross-cutting concerns, logging is the most ancient, foundational, and hacked upon. We all can count off the numerous attempts over the years to improve logging above java.util.logging. We need to carefully weigh the costs of making
yet another attempt that ends up further fragmenting the logging landscape, rather than improving it.
At this point, Microsoft recommends directing these efforts toward JCP.
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From: <>
On Behalf Of Ivar Grimstad via
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2024 12:07 PM
To: Jakarta specification discussions <>
Cc: Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [] Proposal: Jakarta Logging
Hi all,
The proposal will be available for everyone to see as soon as it enters the community review. Until then, check the description that Christian provided in the email.
If you, as a member of the Jakarta EE Working Group want to appoint a committer before the review starts, please let Christian know so he can add you.
Just tried and can't access it as well, and I am part of Jakarta EE Specification Committee.
I am checking with the rest of the group this Wednesday if they can access the proposal.
Best Regards,
Marcelo Ancelmo
I don't have access to that proposal... is it something you have to configure?
(I can login and view other proposals).
Was just interested in reading your ideas.
Thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Christian Grobmeier via
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2024 5:26 AM
Cc: Christian Grobmeier <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [] Proposal: Jakarta Logging
Dear Jakarta EE Specification Committee,
I propose "Jakarta Logging" for the Jakarta EE ecosystem.
You can find the proposal here:
This project seeks to streamline logging practices across the Java community by providing a standardized API. This approach aims to:
- Enhancing security by minimizing dependencies and reducing risks as seen with the Log4shell vulnerability
- Eliminate incompatibilities between logging frameworks
- Remove vendor lock-in by encouraging adoption of the Jakarta Logging API
- Simplify configuration, reducing the need for bridges
- Motivate frameworks to leverage the Jakarta API rather than building their logging solution
The proposal is backed by three members of the Log4j team who have extensive experience working on the framework full-time. We would love to bring our experiences to Jakarta EE and hope others will join us in this effort.
If you are interested in becoming an initial committer or want to contribute in another way, please reach out to me by e-mail and I will happily add you to the proposal.
In addition, if you have any questions, I will gladly address them by e-mail or during a Q&A call.
I am looking forward to your feedback!
Kind regards,
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Ivar Grimstad
Jakarta EE Developer Advocate |
Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code.