here is the summary of the EE10 release status. On the component specs in the red alert phase, I'll send out an email for review on Tuesdays platform call to determine the shortest path to either complete the TCK, or rollback.
++ Component specs close to final ballot
Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 - close to ballot.
Jakarta WebSocket 2.1 - close to ballot.
Jakarta Servlet 6.0 - close to ballot.
Jakarta Messaging 3.1 - close to going to ballot, maybe next week.
Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0 - close to ballot.
Jakarta Connectors 2.1 - close to ballot.
++ Component specs working on TCK failures:
Jakarta EL 5.0 - still have a few TCK failing tests
Jakarta Server Pages 3.1 - a few failing TCK tests
++ Red Alerts, component specs that don't have final candidate TCKs:
Jakarta Authentication 3.0 - still has platform TCK tests to move to standalone.
Jakarta Authorization 2.1 - Needs a few tests for new features
Jakarta Security 3.0 - Needs a few tests for new features
Jakarta Faces 4.0 - Still porting tests to standalone. May be able to draw a line and say it is complete before deadline.
++ Platform and Profiles
The platform and profile TCKs still have a lot of work todo. As of today, there are 1800+ failures for recent GlassFish builds against the platform TCK. While there is about a month left for the target go to ballot date of May 15, still a lot of work to do.