Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee.
I need your vote to approve Jakarta Contexts and Dependency
Specification 2.0 as part of the
Jakarta CDI Project's
1.0 release, which will be the first release of the project
under the Eclipse Development Process.
Note that Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection is the
second of two specifications under the Jakarta CDI
Specification Project (the Jakarta CDI Specification
Project includes both the Jakarta Dependency Injection
and the Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection Specifications).
The JESP/EFSP requires a successful ballot of
the Specification Committee in order to ratify and make this
service release final.
The relevant materials are available here:
Per the process, this will be a fourteen day ballot,
ending on September 2/2019. I require a Super-majority
positive vote of the Specification Committee members.
Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by
Specification Committee Representatives will be counted.
The Specification Committee is composed of representatives
of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu,
IBM, Oracle, Payara, Red Hat, Tomitribe), along with
individuals who represent the EE4J PMC, Participant Members,
and Committer Members.
Specification Committee representatives, your vote is
hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0
(abstain), or -1 (reject). Any feedback that you can provide
to support your vote will be appreciated.
Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.