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[] Jakarta EE Public Marketing e-mail

Hi there,

On behalf of the Jakarta EE Marketing Committee, I wanted to send a reminder to the community that we've created a public e-mail list for community discussion, comments, input specific to Jakarta EE Marketing topics. That list is open to subscription by any Eclipse user / member. We welcome your input and would encourage community members to subscribe and participate in this work.

Mailing list e-mail:

Subscribe form:

List archive:

Due to SPAM issues, one must be a subscriber to send messages to this list.

We are looking forward to your input.

-- Ed Bratt (for the Jakarta EE Marketing Committee)

PS, If I still have your attention, just a head's up -- Jakarta EE is a sponsor of the [J]conf Dev. conference. This conference is quite Java centric and has several interesting sessions that members of this community may find interesting. For example, topics include Java 17, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Spring, as well as other Cloud Native subjects.

The conference is virtual and FREE. It is TOMORROW (Thursday, Dec. 9th). It runs from 6:30 AM PST (first session begins at 7 AM PST) until 3: 00 PM PST (the last session ends at 4PM PST). If you would like more details, browse to and have a look at the agenda and/or register if any of the sessions look interesting to you.

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