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[] DevRel & its coverage with the Jakarta Swag 2022 - Wondering Questions

Hola Ivar, 

I felt so happy to see your conference tweet this AM. 💙

Direct question for you via tweet public media + bringing it to this WG forum as it is relevant to our world opening up to increase your travels and DevRel in-person coverage. 

How can people like me and others in our communicate with you on such questions?
Do we use the new marketing public mailing list (6 subscribers)  or this WG forum ( 285 subscribers), or collateral git issues (15 watchers)? 

How can we be a part of the discussion on what we wish to see more in 2022 ( Bias to my core: I wish for everyone who is active to wear the Jakarta EE shirt and be a proud supporter of the technology) when supporting you as the face of Jakarta EE? 

Thank you for choosing to communicate openly, 


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