I preferred terms as it is on this page Jakarta EE Specifications | The Eclipse Foundation, and WG official published content should be aligned with this, with no "Full" in the term.
I can relate that people who prefer adding "Full" to the Platform, expecting the term to have some self-explaining function to newcomers, but I am afraid it is not possible and not necessary for these reasons:
1\ To the newcomers to java, not only does Platform need to be explained but also Web and Core need it too, the total solution to solve this may be adding "subset" to Web and Core in correspond with "Full" in Platform, obviously no need to do this.
2\ To the ones who already know Java, they already understand the meaning from java docs as "Platform" without "Full"(as mentioned here Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 8 SDK - Release Notes (oracle.com)), if we want to inherit the java users to Jakarta, maybe we should be more aligned with the java term without changing it if is not necessary.
3\ Officially adding Full to the term whether in front of Platform or after with a (full) will add trouble in writing and talking about it, let us be more simplified not complicated.
In fact, furthermore, I have a suggestion new here maybe not be relevant to the current topic which is:
4\ One Jakarta EE to the world.
To simplify and focus our promotion resource on one thing and get the best from it, maybe we do not need to highlight too much the Web and the Core on the release page of the official site, etc., we say to the world Jakarta EE is the cloud-native Java specification, people just need to know one thing is that Jakarta EE is both for web and microservice, but no need to know the detail in profiles in the first time, this will simplify the understanding of Jakarta EE and be good to promote it in the long run.
Web and Core profiles can still have their development plan, certification plan, etc. But no need to show all the content and description in the official content. Vendors or people who want to know the detail, or to certificate, can contact us for more information. So we can focus all of our resources to build only one brand, developers can also talk about one thing and not need to discuss the difference between like this.