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Re: [] [jakartaee-ambassadors] Re: Jakarta EE 8 Slide Deck Speaker Notes Added

You have slide notes :)

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 11:04 AM Nishant Raut <nishant30197@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All, 

Anyone presented this deck, was looking for recording to prepare for the talk. 

Thanks and Regards, 
Nishant Raut

On Sun, Jun 21, 2020, 7:35 AM Reza Rahman <reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't think I ever provided an update on this, but the annotated slide
deck is now done:
It is uploaded to the Jakarta EE Ambassadors shared drive:

I few folks have already used the deck at their JUG, please feel free to
do the same.

The next step for me is to provide a recording of my rendition of the
talk, which I hope to do as soon as time permits.

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community
member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

On 5/28/20 6:16 PM, Reza Rahman wrote:
> Thanks indeed for the kind words and the review.
> It's all subjective of course, but in the presentation I am trying to
> cover more breadth than depth. In my experience, the CompletableFuture
> alignment feature in Jakarta REST is used far more frequently on the
> client invocation side than the server endpoint side (most of this
> kind of logic is usually in the application tier rather than the REST
> tier). It is somewhat consequently better explained on the client
> side. I think coverage of both the client and server-side alignment is
> a better fit for a talk specific to Jakarta REST than a higher level
> overview. That said, I did add a speaker note about CompletableFuture
> as a REST return type.
> Unfortunately I had to replace the file, changing the URL. Here is the
> updated URL:
> More comments and review welcome (although I think I will batch the
> rest of the changes instead of doing them piecemeal given the URL
> situation).
> Reza Rahman
> Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker
> Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community
> member and do not reflect the views of my employer.
> On 5/28/2020 4:47 AM, Markus Stauffer wrote:
>> Hi Reza
>> looks good, great work!
>> About the slide "CompletableFuture with Jakarta REST": I think adding an
>> example with CompletableFuture as return type in a rest endpoint method
>> would be helpful.
>> best regards
>> --
>> Markus Stauffer
>> On 28.05.20 07:47, Reza Rahman wrote:
>>> It took me a little while, but I have now added detailed speaker
>>> notes:
>>> Please consider reviewing the content. And of course please use it!
>>> Just to give more context, this is why I believe this content is
>>> valuable:
>>> I can say first hand Java/Jakarta EE 8 really wasn't evangelized to
>>> the extent that Java EE 6 and Java EE 7 was. As a result, most people
>>> really don't know what is in Java/Jakarta EE 8 (and there really is
>>> quite a bit even if you are a Spring, etc developer). While the
>>> content is probably not that interesting for conferences focused on
>>> the latest and greatest, it is probably pretty valuable content for a
>>> JUG or an internal company talk. Aside from that I did maintain a
>>> decent amount of Jakarta EE 9 and some forward looking/exploratory
>>> Jakarta EE 10 content.
>>> The next step for me is to record my rendition of the talk, upload it
>>> to my own YouTube and also see if the official Jakarta EE YouTube
>>> channel will have it.
>>> Reza Rahman
>>> Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker
>>> Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community
>>> member and do not reflect the views of my employer.
>>> On 4/12/2020 7:03 PM, Reza Rahman wrote:
>>>> Folks,
>>>> One of the things I have been trying to do is create a shareable
>>>> Jakarta EE 8 slide deck. This weekend, I uploaded an initial version
>>>> into the resources folder:
>>>> The next step for me is to add detailed speaker notes. Much of that
>>>> material will come from here:
>>>> You can find a suitable abstract here if you need it:
>>>> I
>>>> will also record my rendition of this talk and make it available on
>>>> YouTube (either my own or the official Jakarta EE one if they will
>>>> have it). The reason I believe this is important is that in my view
>>>> there has been a serious gap in Java EE 8/Jakarta EE 8 evangelism as
>>>> compared to say Java EE 7 or Java EE 6. Please consider reviewing and
>>>> adapting this material. The deck also uses a somewhat makeshift
>>>> Jakarta EE Ambassadors presentation template you are welcome to adopt.
>>>> As the Jakarta EE 10 work starts spinning up, I plan to refactor this
>>>> deck to have a much more forward looking focus including suitable
>>>> code examples. This is a topic we should begin to discuss and act
>>>> upon at least amongst the Jakarta EE Ambassadors after Jakarta EE 9
>>>> is successfully released. Folks like Steve Millidge believe this is
>>>> where the end user community can really contribute to Jakarta EE.
>>>> Reza Rahman
>>>> Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker
>>>> Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual
>>>> community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.
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Thank you and regards,

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