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[] [Questions for the Steering Committee] Jakarta EE 9 Announcement: A United blog IS NEEDED

Hola Jakartees assigned to seat on the Steering Committee, 

Disclosure, I don't hold a seat on the Steering Committee by choice so that I can freely provide open feedback to this Community as a Jakartee and shed light on things that potentially need further attention and discussion. 
I believe sometimes we forget how it feels when we don't know stuff.  Sometimes, we grow accustomed to have so much data but what if we didn't have that information.   Shedding light on stuff and openly wondering and asking about such things, matters to me. I hope that it matters to most of you here as well. 

As such

First question: Why was there NOT a UNITED blog announcement with the signature -- Jakarta EE Working Group?
  • individuals blogs are a fantastic contribution to shed light by that contributor or organization that might choose to share insights to their work & in-rich the story. 
  • On the Jakarta EE 9 release,  many of us chose to share because #writingTHEtalk is actually caring. 
Second question: Can we fix the lack of the missing formal WG blog and write a blog that is representative of the true efforts, many of which went unseen? 
  •  When anyone reads the article below with respect to Diversity, Achieved, what does it tell you if you have no seat on any of the 3 Committees?  
  •  Jakarta EE Is Taking Off - BLOG  Lets focus on section Diversity, Achieved.   

On important blog announcements for the Jakarta EE project, I think about the Participant members, I think about anyone watching that might want to contribute by joining the WorkingGroup but won't because that group, the Participants, never get highlighted on anything with respect to important Jakarta EE announcements. I think about how we might choose to state numbers as a priority. I think about who is not watching careful enough to because there is no such a UNITED blog that is representative of this beautiful ecosystem. 

There is an issue, I am choosing to highlight it with this message. 

Contributing to Jakarta EE goes beyond code. 

Let's write a blog release announcement that truly shows a 365 story that is reflective on everyone's efforts.  
An announcement that is most caring & most understanding of the fact that many organizations work ONLY on a few Jakarta EE Specifications, that to compare to Oracle formidable contributions- you must be partnering with Oracle by working on Eclipse GlassFish, etc... 

There is more that meets the eye in Open Source. When we shed light into the things that might not be known, that ought to be known,  we are choosing to become much more responsible and as a result, our ownership as Contributors & Users increases. 
Open Source Contributing is beautiful because it is the ecosystem that allows everyone to play from the people who produce it to the companies that use it. 

Companies that make latest Jakarta EE 9 progress possible, aside from the many Jakarta EE wonderful individual contributors,  at the time of this release are 16 organizations:  Jakarta EE Members.  


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