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Re: [] [Jakarta EE Surveys Consumption] Feedback loop to the Marketing Committee & Community

Hola Neil, 

Your reply & the content are a few of the reasons why I adore you as a peer in our exchanges. I respect your time & work for the work in Jakarta EE, thank you! :) 

Your write up on the exact tracing explaining the approach taken by the Cmtee hits the spot.
My recommendation is to adjust the current Survey Checklist process to include such communication to the broader community, early, often & constantly.  We need to normalize the process.  

To Normalize the Process in this case means that by choice, we become better communicators with explicit, unambiguous & public information on today and future's initiatives, NOT ONLY for 2020 Survey results & call2actions activities but ON everything branding that is Jakarta EE related. 

Recommendations are: 
Your write up on the survey approach could be a nice template for future surveys :) excellent summary that can be used on: 
  1. Jakarta EE Community first email: introducing the Survey 
  2. Jakarta EE Medica channels: Twitter, FB, etc
  3. Close up: upon sharing the Survey results

The users who provided feedback are still on Java EE 8 or lower & still observing this initiative before re-committing to it, which means Migrating to Jakarta EE 8. 

As such, my exchanges go further than just trying to understand their concerns. 
I actually told them that when they are ready to Contribute back to this community they could do so not only by joining the working group but also but allowing its developers to contribute with time back into the project itself. 
Thankfully, the Consent Agreement has been THE most helpful point of reference on those conversations.  I literally have below data as THE core to how to contribute BACK INTO Jakarta when ready to say THANK YOU!

  • In Feb. 2020, brought into existence the Employer Consent Agreement to facilitate code contributions to any Eclipse Foundation Specification Projects ("Consent Agreement") without requiring the Company to join a Project.  The agreement needs to be signed by somebody with authority to sign on behalf of a Company to allow its developers to contribute code to any project without issues. Wayne Beaton wrote a blog post describing the Consent Agreement.
Happy weekend Neil and Jakartees, 

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:34 AM Neil Patterson <neilp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks Amelia,


I agree that being able to ask questions and get responses of the Jakarta EE committees, including the marketing committee is important. The recommended forum at the present time is the community mailing list and that is why we encourage those interested in Jakarta EE and its evolution to join the community mailing list (link). This is the best forum for questions to be raised and responses to be shared. It would be great if you could share this with those who contacted you so that they can participate and share their views, relieving you of the burden of handling the requests yourself.


On the topic of the Free Developer Survey report, the marketing committee addressed the issue of the best way to make it available to a variety of viewers, including those who responded to the survey, Jakarta EE members, Eclipse participants, and non-aligned interested parties. It was agreed that given the value the report represents, gating the report for some was the right approach. This is a common practice in the industry for valuable content and is still considered free to the consumer. The following information should help clarify the approach we took:

  • All 2,100+ respondents were emailed a direct link to the report 
  • Eclipse account holders (500k+) can enter their Eclipse ID and receive the report.
  • General public users simply need to provide their name, email, organization, industry, and title in order to receive the report for free. While we would like them to sign up for ongoing communication, this option is “Opt-In” and not required. Our goal is to build community. Gathering contact information is one way that we connect with our audience and nurturing a relationship with them.


 I would be happy to address any further concerns with you separately.

Take care,
Neil Patterson
App Mod & Cloud Native Offering Manager
IBM Developer (Marketing)

twitter: @patterson_home
----- Original message -----
From: Amelia Eiras <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:
To: Jakarta EE Community <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [] [Jakarta EE Surveys Consumption] Feedback loop to the Marketing Committee & Community
Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2020 22:09
This message is for the Jakarta EE Marketing Committee, 
At this time,  there is no dedicated space where individuals can submit public questions, either via a git or/& a public marketing mailing list, many individuals are contacting individuals (like me, who are active in this ecosystem) to ask valid questions on the fun stuff related to this week's Jakarta EE announcements such as the partial access of the Jakarta EE 2020 Survey. 
Before I will summarize the +17 different individuals questions & feedback on this email, I will answer this question: 
Q: WHAT does a #ossDOER Jakartee like me do in a situation like this? 
A:  Trust to share (that's time invested) shows care by those who have reached out to provide a consumption feedback loop on accessing 2020 Survey results.   To them, who are not subscribed to this mailing list but could access its public archives, and to everyone here (809 subscribers on 6/25/20) I chose to write to this Community. 
Survey 2018 (28 pages) is freely accessible without providing the consumer's information. the 1 click takes you directly to the survey results.
Survey 2019 (41 pages) 2 forms to access it. [not freely shared]
Survey 2020 (20 pages) 2 forms to access it. [not freely shared]
From the Jakarta EE Is Taking Off--- Eclipse Foundation Blog Announcement 2nd paragraph copy/paste below:
" With your insight, we’ve gained a clear and comprehensive view of enterprise Java strategies and priorities globally, which in turn we are freely sharing with the ecosystem." 
Focus on the words "... freely sharing with the ecosystem." is not consistent with the consumption of the Survey hosted under the Jakarta EE Resources tab for individuals who fall in 3 categories:
  • do not have an Eclipse Foundation account & don't plan to get one anytime soon.  Requirements to obtain an EF account are:
  1. Name
  2. Password
  3. Country
  • do not want to submit the required information that "Get the Report" Call2Action asks:
  1. Name
  2. Organization
  3. Job Title
  4. email
  5. agree to receive EF communications
  • do not want to provide fake information but will do so if that is the only way to consume the Survey.
Survey Objective WAS made clear when survey window to participate required the volunteers to provide personal / professional information. 
Survey Results ARE available at $0USD cost yet partially restricted to the 3 consumers listed above. 
Even after I explained that the requirement to the right of the Surveys is there so that the Marketing Committee "tracks" who/where is consuming the results, I sense their residual conflict AND leftover concern that the current method of Survey consumption is not #ossFRIENLY as the 2018 Survey Results. 
Are we willing to negotiate process before substance? 
Are we ok to let many walk away?  It is a choice to renounce Jakarta EE as it is today, but we could work on becoming more explicit, unambiguous & public on how we handle announcements, specially after feedback loop spaces are put into place to allow for such solid/rational feedback to exist.  the main page of the Jakarta EE website says: Powered by participation, Jakarta EE is focused on enabling community-driven collaboration... 
We- are in such a fun environment that shows we, the Jakarta EE ecosystem has work to do to ensure that future initiatives in the branding-side synchronize not only with the ones involved in their execution but also that the execution synchronizes with the Project mission statement--- which enables and feeds via Community Driven Collaboration.  
It is not enough for only 1 side to have clarity, the other side, our consumers - even those who do not yet know that they will be affected with Jakarta EE 9 release-- must gain clarity.  
In 2 days, I have been a mediator, who understood that I am not able to normalize the process, that is not how Open Source works.  
This email is long, it doesn't pursue anyone's ratification. 
This email looks for a conversation on current surveys results' access (2019 & 2020),  can we adjust what currently is and justify our actions on the basics that it matches the Jakarta EE mission statement?  
Or, do we adjust the blog announcement to say: "partially free" as it is the correct wording. 
Lastly, to obtain the results of the Survey, who exists because of volunteers who chose to participate on it Q&A and call it " you requested below such as this ebook" was sour for more than half of those users who provided feedback. 
How does subscribing to the Eclipse Foundation communication forums relates to the Jakarta EE Survey? Was the most common question I got. 
--- As usual, happy to share- openly!   
Lets stay safe & remember, because we do-- we are the lucky ones who get feedback.  Jakarta EE is lucky to have so many that care to prioritize #sharingIScaring.  
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