Following up on early comments about joining tomorrow's Community call, I see that today the attendees are:
- required to attend
- = provide email address
- only participate via "comments" during the 1hr space
Can we bring back the Jakarta EE community calls to ZOOM and lower the clicks and debt to future and current attendees?
What is the value of gathering emails from this tool? Are those individuals being sold Jakarta?
Again, can we focus on opening this activity? I ask for every member of the active community to vote on what currently is.
Lastly, why is the Jakarta EE project still being housed over a general Eclipse Foundation project and not under its own name? This project has its own budget that is quite generous. It should be using Youtube, as requested before to share public Community calls still not added under the Jakarta EE resources page.
With that in mind, via public forums, we were asked to be patient while the Jakarta EE Youtube was created and made available. Where do we stand on such a task?
-- openly sending these follow ups via public forum in preparation for an investment on 1hr call. If 10 Jakartess joined that is 10hrs worthdy of attending. My time as such of that of organizers, current the EF Team, and those attending is worth of protection. That means, stepping outside of what currently is to not strangled voices by restricting access but actually lowering participation. What current is is a mistake, again, let's do better.
I am at fault as I have missed many past Community hangouts b/c I cannot import the Jakarta EE Community calendar to my work calendar. Others are likely having the same issue.
- closing wondering until the call tomorrow, and yes, I am bothered as I am encountering a higher entry debt to attend this call.
Why are we here?