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Re: [] Fork Eclipse MicroProfile Configuration as Jakarta Configuration.


Oh, that's what you mean. That was intentional and although Jakarta EE 9 won't add new features yet either, we also saw that with Java SE 9 which only made Modularity available but otherwise has not added any significant features.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 11:44 AM Erik Brangs <erik.brangs@xxxxxx> wrote:

On 07/04/2020 11:05, Werner Keil wrote:
> You are not right about Jakarta EE not having a "useful" version, take  most major players (50% of all Strategic Members the only Enterprise Member and one Participating Member) already got certified Jakarta EE 8 products.
> Of course their customers may not immediately migrate, some probably still use J2EE :-D but some will, especially in the cloud where this is often easier than on premise.

Sorry, I was unclear. What I meant was that Jakarta EE has not yet delivered a version that brings new features or improvements.

Jakarta EE 8 is basically Java EE 8 and Jakarta EE 9 has the migration to the Jakarta namespace (and maybe a few minor improvements). So speaking purely from the requirements of applications and ignoring organizational matters like coordinated migrations, the first Jakarta EE version that's actually interesting will be Jakarta EE 10.

Kind regards,

Erik Brangs
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