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[iot-wg] Next Edge Native SIG Agenda —May 8, 2024

Hi everyone.

Below is the planned agenda for the next meeting of the Edge Native SIG, scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 11 am EST / 5 pm CEST. I am looking forward to speaking with you all.


Frédéric Desbiens


Discussion: future of the SIG and new initiatives



SIG chair position



Project updates



Feel free to propose additional agenda points by replying to this email.

As a reminder, we previously discussed several scenarios for the future evolution of the SIG. Those are:

1. Stay the course (don't change anything)
Keeping things as they are is fine, but we need new initiatives and contributors to drive the group.

2. Keep a SIG, but open membership to Eclipse IoT supporters (free) 
This has the benefit of bringing more people around the table. However, we would lose a way to attract paying members to the working group.

3. Transform the SIG into an interest group.
Interest groups are open to all Eclipse members, which would maximise participation. However, interest groups are completely driven by the community. Eclipse staff are supposed to spend less time on them, meaning you will get minimal support from me.

I expect participants to come prepared to discuss their preferred option and suggest initiatives to advance Eclipse Edge Native. If we keep the SIG format, someone will need to step up and self-nominate for the SIG chair position.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


Senior Manager — Embedded and IoT | Eclipse Foundation

Mastodon: @fdesbiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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