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Re: [iot-pmc] Adding third-party dependency on paho.mqtt.python and IP review


I would recommend opening a CQ. Based on your description it sounds like a works-with, so start with that. Feel free to add this text to the content of the CQ, and the team will help you and the PMC make a determination. 

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

On Feb 10, 2019, at 5:56 AM, Pierre Fersing <pierre.fersing@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm new to the third-party IP requirements and a bit lost on what I should do.

The context is a new PR [1] which adds optional feature and depends on PySocks [2] library which is a non-eclipse project using 3-clause BSD license.

After reading the Project Handbook and guidelines for the review of third party dependencies I've few doubt:

* Should I determine if it's a "prerequisite" or a "works with" ? (guidelines says it's the PMC that are "expected to make a determination")

* It's not clear for me in which case an optional dependency fall. This dependency is not required for core functionality. paho.mqtt.python library will works without PySocks, it's only required to provide full function, i.e. when connecting thought an HTTP/SOCKS proxy.

* Should I create the CQ request and above question will be resolved during the CQ process or was this email the correct process ?

Thanks for your help,




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