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[incubation] Having Hudson push to GitHub

Hi everyone,

at the Eclipse Layout Kernel we are currently thinking about how best to
provide documentation about layout algorithms and supported layout
options to our users. The main place where we host documentation is our
GitHub wiki. What we are currently thinking about is to generate Wiki
documentation from the meta data about our algorithms at compile time
and push that to the wiki repository.

For this to work, our Hudson instance would need write access to that
repository. One way to do that would be to give it an SSH key for my
GitHub account, but that solution doesn't appeal to me very much for
security reasons. Does anyone do something similar with less security

I presume that it would probably be easier to give our Hudson write
access to our Eclipse website repository. However, I would prefer to
keep all documentation bundled up at a single place instead of spreading
it out over different websites.

 Christoph Daniel

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