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Re: [ide4edu-dev] work environment setup

Please confirm what Eclipse IDE you're using. I hope that you have the Eclipse IDE for Plug-in/RCP Developers

Are you working from the same workspace that you set up previously?

Try this:

Open the preferences and navigate to "Plug-in Development > Target Platform". Highlight the "Running Platform", make sure that there is a check to the left, and click "Reload..."

If this actually works, I may try to explain why...


Aditya Kumar wrote:

In my previous email I mentioned that my work environment setup has been facing an issue. I have been checking my email in hope for a reply.

Anyway,  Now that I have the right Eclipse IDE version, and I have downloaded the code, I am seeing errors in NewJavaLiteProjectWizardPageTwo and NewJavaLiteProjectWizardPageOne files, with "JavaWorkingSetUpdater.ID can't be resolved" error.

Does someone know, what is wrong here? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Aditya Kumar

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