Holger Voormann <eclipse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 8:08 PM
To: Lakshmi P Shanmugam <lshanmug@xxxxxxxxxx>, ide-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <ide-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Highlights for 2023-03 landing page
Hi all,
Here are my inputs and some questions I found while gathering material
for my next video [0]:
Java 20?
Will there be Java 20 BETA support via Marketplace?
I see a BETA_JAVA20 branch being worked in (at least in jdt.core [1],
not yet in jdt.ui [2]). The composite update site seems to be broken [3]
and P20230202-0830 [4] one month behind.
Java in general
- "Included AST, Bytecode, Bytecode Reference and Element views in SDK"
These views are included in the SDK, but not in any of the Java IDE
packages. To install it via "Help > Install New Software..." working
with the (currently staging) update site , one have to disable
"Group items by category".
The "Bytecode" view (and for details, the "Bytecode Reference" view)
is useful for Java developers in general to get an insight into the
bytecode, whereas the AST view (and for details, the "Element" view)
is only useful when developing something using the Eclipse compiler
for Java (ecj) as dependency, right?
I would like to see the "Bytecode" view included in all Java IDE
packages. Otherwise, it should not be mentioned on the Eclipse IDE
web site. The "AST" view should also be able to be installed with
"Group items by category". It might be mentioned together with
"ECJ separated from JDT Core" [5] (by the way, does this mean that
ecj is now available as a single dependency from Maven Central and
if so, which one?).
- There are a couple of code completion improvements and fixes as
well [6][7][8][9].
- New formatter settings for record patterns [10] and sealed
classes [11].
m2e 2.2.0 was recently released and will be included in 2023-03 RC1 [12]:
- "Updated Dependency Editor" is for Eclipse plugin developers
in the Target Editor the dialog to add or edit Maven dependencies
- The other three mentioned things are for better default configuration
for Maven projects in some corner cases.
XML via Wild Web Developer will also be included in 2023-03 RC1:
- A couple of new settings in
"Preferences: XML (Wild Web Developer) > Formatting"
JGit supports now commit-graph [13] which is supplemental data to speed
up showing history and computing merge bases [14]. I haven't looked at
it closely yet, so I don't know how much, if at all, it will be
noticeable in EGit.
Two issues I found while trying out new features:
- In the Java editor Alt+Shift+R causes flickering
(the whole window is flashing for one or two seconds at least on
Windows 11 with a fresh workspace) [15]
- There should no "Javadoc: Missing tag for return type" for
"{@return ...}" [16]
IMHO as long as this is not implemented, inline @return
should not mentioned [17].
Eclipse is a great example of modularity and cooperation: the Eclipse
IDE is made up of building blocks developed by different projects not
only for Eclipse (e.g., JGit, etc.). But there is still some room
for improvement in marketing. From the user's point of view, it is quite
difficult to find out what a new release brings. As a user, I would like
to have the New and Noteworthy integrated in one place just like the
features are integrated in the IDE. Things like the inline @return
should not be mentioned until they not only are shown correctly, but
also do not cause false positive warnings. In the case of improvements
due to updated dependencies, it should be explained what this means from
the user's point of view. And for details there should be a link to the
bug/issue, pull request or commit (like the links for each item in the
New and Noteworthy of the Eclipse project which are hidden as HTML
comments [18]).
Am 02.03.2023 um 10:34 schrieb Lakshmi P Shanmugam:
> Hi all,
> The Eclipse IDE landing page highlights some of the features of the
> release. Please see the landing page for the last release -
> - for an example.
> Similar to the previous releases, we would like to gather inputs from
> the community on features that can be highlighted on the page for
> 2023-03 release.
> The content we have so far :
> *Improved Java Tooling* - Included AST, Bytecode, Bytecode Reference and
> Element views in SDK, added support to launch JUnit tests in subpackages
> *Platform Improvements* - Improved Open Resource dialog and new APIs to
> support persistence and migration of perspectives
> Please provide your inputs/suggestions on any features or points that
> can be added to the page for this release.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Lakshmi