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[ide-dev] Maven Wildfly Publish - Version


I apologize, I don't know what plugin I'm running into problems with.

I upgraded Eclipse to 2022-09, while also working to bring a maven archetype project (wildfly-jakartaee-ear-archetype) to Jakarta EE 10.

I have <final name> set in the poms, and that value ends up used in the ear deployment descriptor, but the folder created when using Add and Remove on my server results in a folder name which includes the version number.

Wildfly: 27.0.0-Alpha5
Maven ear plugin: 3.2.0
EJB plugin: 3.2.1
WAR plugin: 3.3.2
Ecplise: 2022-09
M2E Feature:
M2E WTP Feature: 1.4.20180606-2005

Any thoughts on which piece the problem might be in?

Thank you,

Dominic HilsbosĀ 

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