On 06/10/2015 06:52 PM, Mickael Istria
On 06/10/2015 05:54 PM, Doug Schaefer
The other aspect of it is to offer the ability to create
new projects for plug-ins you don’t have installed yet.
FYI, in JBoss Tools, we have projects "examples" to bootstrap new
projects. And those example can be annotated with some metadata
that will be used to automatically let user install necessary
bundles (via the Discovery API) for it.
So for example, we could imagine a Cordova project example in an
IDE that doesn't have Thym installled, and the IDE would
automatically tell user to install Thym while trying to start the
Visual Studio calls these on-line templates. I imagine we’d
incorporate something from the Eclipse Marketplace to populate
the information in the wizard.
We also have something similar in JBoss Tools ;)
Forgot to mention that you can read the source from
and give it a try by installing