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Re: [ice-dev] Eclipse ICE Monthly Updates Meeting

Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the long weekend and have something nice planned for the MLK holiday.

Seeing no responses to my call for agenda items, I will... 
1) provide general updates below
2) cancel tomorrow's meeting and give you back your 30min (queue Maui singing "You're welcome!" ;-) )

There are only a few general updates this month because I was out for most of December and we happen to have had four holidays since we last met. Here's the news:
1) For those who did not know, Daniel Bluhm has moved on to Indicio and left ORNL in early December. He still plans to contribute to the project, just in a different way.
2) Our main repository is now on GitLab and the GitHub repo is just a mirror. Per some of our previous emails and project meeting discussions, we wanted to do this because the tooling is a better fit for our needs at GitLab. I will plan to send a more detailed email about this in the future, but you can always check the ticket on GitHub for more information.
3) There are a few funding opportunities lurking in the shadows that I'm investigating. I'll keep you posted but please do let me know if there's anything that you encounter too.
4) Meetings and discussions - I attended the Eclipse Architecture Council meeting last week. There were some relevant discussions about small and single-contributor projects and what they see as the value proposition for joining the foundation. There's also an on-going thread on the science working group mailing list where a user announced that they are using ice for a quantum chemistry project.

Looking forward to seeing everyone next month. In the meantime, let me know if you need anything by email, Mattermost (although I haven't been on there since the baby was born...), or a ticket.


On Fri, Jan 15, 2021, 12:51 <jayjaybillings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Happy new year! I hope everyone is doing well. What agenda items do we have for this month's call?

I can provide general updates, although if there are no other agenda items I would move that we cancel the meeting and take the updates by email.

Any agenda items or other things to discuss?


Eclipse ICE Monthly Updates Meeting

Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:30am – 10am Eastern Time - New York
Joining info
Join with Google Meet
Bluhm, Daniel
Cage, Gregory

Please join us for the monthly Eclipse ICE Updates meeting. This is a half hour meeting with developers and stakeholders to sync up on issues and directions for the project. Agenda's will be published (i.e. - sent by Jay) in advance. Topic suggestions submitted in advance are welcome.

This was the best time that could be found to maximize the number of attendees. Apologies to those who cannot attend. Jay's available to meet 1-on-1 with those who cannot make this time.

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