Thanks for the prompt response, Duncan... Much appreciated...
The plugins that I use are url-change-trigger, description-setter, htmlpublisher, Nunit.
The snapshot below is a classic example and it is happening right now... You see, after the "Finished: UNSTABLE" line, I see a progress icon spinning.. This has been spinning for more than a couple hours now... It doesn't happen all the time though. But does happen randomly... And each time I had to restart the hudson windows service.
We have various jobs like url-change-trigger, parameterized, periodic.. The problem happens randomly on any of these jobs... I am wondering if there is a standard system requirement which is required for hudson.. Right now, we have 8 slaves to one hudson server... The configuration of the server where the hudson windows service sits has 8 GB RAM, it is a 64 bits operating system which has six-core AMD opteron processor (2.6Ghz, 2 processors), Windows server enterprise.. And Btw, it is a VM...
Can you provide a little more information on the Job type, the
Hudson version you are using and the plugins the job uses?
On 28/11/2012 15:37, Pradeep K Chandra wrote:
Hello Hudson Dev team,
We have been using hudson in my company to run jobs. We maintain
several hudson clients and 1 server. We are facing a problem quite
frequently in hudson. Hope you guys could help me resolve it or
provide me some suggestions.
Problem: Hudson starts
running a job and it finishes the job (success or unstable). But
after the run is completed (and HTML reports are also
generated), it doesn't exit the job. The control stays in the
same job forever (or atleast for 2 hours). The others jobs which
are queued don't start running. I need to restart the hudson
windows service in the server. Only after the restart the new
jobs start running...
I would be very glad if you please let me know if I am
ridiculously missing something.