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[honolulu-ec] Eclipse Hawaii User's Group (EHUG) meeting tomorrow at 05:30pm at IBM


Just wanted to remind you that we will be meeting tomorrow evening at 530pm at IBM Honolulu for the final Eclipse Hawaii User's Group Planning meeting. This will be in preparation for our first actual meeting on 09/16/08.

The agenda is:
	- Introductions
	-EHUG objectives review
	-Building an Eclipse Community
		- Leadership
		- Finalizing Topics for first 4 meetings (Sept - Dec)
		- Getting the word out
	-Potential Speakers and resources

For more information, please check out our website at:

Also, please sign up for the mailing list if you have not already done so

Finally, we will have Dinner so please let me know if you are coming so that we can ensure that we have enough food for everyone.

Greg Hester

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