I was happy to see the Eclipse Hono deployment support on Docker Swarm and Openshift platforms. I am exploring the concept of making Hono available in the Cloud Foundry(CF) ecosystem. BTW, has anyone already tried Hono on CF?
IMO, it makes sense that Hono to be a CF managed service rather than CF hosted application. In this regard, I am thinking of the following concept.
Below are the steps that I think are needed for the CF ecosystem/apps to leverage Hono:
Provisioning of Hono in IaaS platform
Hono - CF Marketplace offering: any CF app that wants to consume the
data from Hono can bind to this service. It essentially provides the credentials(multi-tenancy) and access info of the hono instance running on the infrastructure .
Hono Admin app: This will be a CF app when deployed provisions the
Hono server(uses scripts from Step1) and provides the mqtt/http endpoints credentials on the web UI. Devices makes use of these credentials to connect to the Hono server.
So, I’m thinking to build custom service broker which
Provisions a Hono server setup on the IaaS layer. Hono Admin app
uses it to spin up the Hono instance.
Binds/unbinds CF applications to hono service instances. It uses
Hono - CF Marketplace offering. This will help to write multiple CF apps that uses the already provisioned Hono instance.
Please share your thoughts and comments.
Best Regards,
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