Hi Kai,
Thanks for the answer.
I've tried to configure Hono the way you described but without success. I set MQTT QoS to 1 and removed the broker, no help. I'm willing to let the device handle re-deliveries and credit starvation.
The device receive PUBACK even if there is no downstream consumer and when I plug the downstream consumer the device receive PUBACK before the message arrives to the consumer.
I tried to debug what's happening using IntelliJ remote debugger but I'm new to VertX and I couldn't really find what I wanted.
I found this line in EventConsumerImpl class: receiver.setAutoAccept(true). I tried to change it but it didn't help.
I also found in AbstractSender that the send function returns right away:
public final boolean send(final Message rawMessage) {
if (sender.sendQueueFull()) {
return false;
} else {
context.runOnContext(send -> {
return true;
My repo point to the last commit: 0c42539ca11b6b334d4b204299c3fbcf90b39103.
Could you help me? I'm running out of ideas.