I’ve entered CQ 3420 requesting that Higgins be able to use
idemix under the new idemix license. Previously Higgins had been approved to
use Idemix under its initial license by CQ 1119
higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Jan Camenisch
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:59 AM
To: higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; vac@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: [higgins-dev] IdMix on Higgins
So actually, IdMix is available under a license that allows
for free use from here (different site because the license is different
from EPL):
ALVAREZ COLINA <vac@xxxxxx>
(Trust Framework) Project developer discussions" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[higgins-dev] IdMix on Higgins
Thanks very much , John for your information.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de John Bradley
Enviado el: lunes, 29 de junio de 2009 16:29
Para: Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions
CC: Christian Paquin
Asunto: Re: [higgins-dev] IdMix on Higgins
My expectation now is that we will see U-Prove released under open
terms from MS before we see IdMix from IBM.
Chrisian Paquin cpaquin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at Microsoft may be able to
updat e you on that situation.
John B.
On 29-Jun-09, at 8:39 AM, VANESSA ALVAREZ COLINA wrote:
> Hi Paul ,
> We continue being interested as well on IdMix on Higgins . So , if
> you could send me as well the information , I would appreciate it .
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Vanessa Alvarez
> De: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ] En nombre de David Campos
> Enviado el: lunes, 29 de junio de 2009 14:11
> Para: Higgins (Trust Framework) Project develo
per discussions
> Asunto: Re: [higgins-dev] IdMix on Higgins
> Hi again Paul.
> In our company we have been recently working around a project that
> may be interested in the Idemix project. I shared with my mates the
> actual progress status but we would ask you if could be possible to
> have access to any kind of extra information of this project (a bit
> more than the one in Higgins).
> I understand that it is'nt yet part of Higgins Framework but if we
> could access to any kind of "demo site" or know anything about how
> tokens could look like we would be really grateful.
> Thanks for your attention :)
> Regards
> ---
> David Campos
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 20:19, Paul Trevithick
> <ptrevithick@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> David, I chatted with Tony Nadalin of IBM while at EIC in Munich a
> few days ago and asked about the status of Idemix (and getting it
> released under EPL). I received no new inform
ation from him so I can
> only assume that the IP issues related to Idemix are still in the
> process of being worked out.
> Wish I knew more.
> --Paul
> On 5/7/09 6:49 AM, "David Campos" <noymn.the.archangel@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Paul, there is any chance to test the status of the project or the
> possibilities that it can have. Or maybe you could tell me if there
> is any expected release date?
> ---
> David Campos
> 2009 /4/6 Paul Trevithick <ptrevithick@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Vanessa,
> Unfortunately, the Idemix code has not yet been checked into Higgins
> by IBM, and that is why this project is still in the "nursery."
> --Paul
> On 4/6/09 6:51 AM, "VANESSA ALVAREZ COLINA" <vac@xxxxxx <http://vac@xxxxxx
> > > wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if you have tried the IdMix on Higgins or if is
> there any chance to try it ??
> I have seen on the Download page the libs
;, but I don't know if I
> can try it and how ...
> http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.higgins/trunk/nursery/org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.idemix/src/org/eclipse/higgins/icard/provider/idemix/
> <http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.higgins/trunk/nursery/org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.idemix/src/org/eclipse/higgins/icard/provider/idemix/
> >
> Thanks
> Regards
> Vanessa Alvarez Colina
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