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Re: [higgins-dev] Proposed changes to IContextFactory

This looks good to me.

>>> "Markus Sabadello" <msabadello@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7/25/07 2:57 PM >>>

In accordance with ContextRefs being replaced by ContextIds (see and, I propose we make the following changes to the IContextFactory interface:

CHANGE:    public IContext createContext(URI contextRef) throws IdASException;
TO:   public IContext createContext(IContextId contextId) throws IdASException;

REMOVE:     public boolean canCreate(URI contextRef) throws IdASException;

We don't need canCreate() anymore (I think), since IdASRegistry will now do the job of finding an appropriate IContextFactory for a given IContextId.

Jim? Do you think that's smart?

As discussed on the last Higgins call, I am adding the following convenience methods to IdASRegistry:

    public IContext createContext(String contextIdStr) throws IdASException;
    public IContext createContext(IContextId contextId) throws IdASException;

Thanks for all the +1 votes! Looking forward to being a committer soon.


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