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Re: [henshin-dev] {Disarmed} Re: [question?] using the new version of henshin

See also the Henshin example code here:

On 17.04.2012 10:21, Stefan Jurack wrote:

Simon, you might rather want to use the Henshin API to load your files and then perform the transformation. Have a look at the example plugin how to achieve this.

Regards, Stefan

Am 17.04.2012 08:27, schrieb Christian Krause:
Hi Simon,

On 16.04.2012 22:29, sih wrote:
i wonder if there can be a way that henshin can load a profile and use the profile as the loaded metamodel of a model for manipulation ... ...

I do not fully understand what you want to achieve. In general, in Henshin you specify transformations over EMF models (typed over Ecore) and apply these transformations to instance models (typed over the EMF models).


     many thanks!

   yours sincerely,

   Fenglin Han

On 16.04.2012 20:34, Christian Krause wrote:
Hi Simon,

this is not a problem of Henshin. The loading of models is completely done by EMF. There is no bug or anything like this. It is just a matter of correctly using URIs. Proper URI handling can be quite tricky in EMF.

Looking at your example, the first problem I see is that I am not aware o the "pathmap" scheme in the first example. If you want to refer to a file in your workspace, the correct way to do it would be using a platform-resource URI:


where you have to replace "project-name" and "path". Using this pattern you can access files in your workspace using an absolute path (within your workspace, not the filesystem!).

What works better in practice is to use relative URIs. In your model, a relative path could be used like this:

<references xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" href="">"arctis.profile.uml#_WFTqUXjGEdyxtoUMycQn9Q"/>

assuming that the UML model and the profile are located in the same directory.

Of course, you are not editing your models using a text editor. What you have to ensure is that in the editors you use you properly import your models, e.g. using relative paths. When you save the files, open them in a text editor and make sure the URIs are ok. If you refer to elements in other files, you usually should have relative paths or platform-resource URIs.


On 04/16/2012 02:38 PM, sih wrote:
hi Christian,
    i have a problem with applying henshin to the uml model i use. it seems to be the problem of pathmap definition in the model plugin.

for example the following lines compares two ways of importing a profile:
<profileApplication xmi:id="_uMWN8YYXEeGsGOj-M3HL4Q">
      <eAnnotations xmi:id="_uMWN8oYXEeGsGOj-M3HL4Q" source=MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be "">
        <references xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" href="">"pathmap://ARCTIS_PROFILES/arctis.profile.uml#_WFTqUXjGEdyxtoUMycQn9Q"/>
      <appliedProfile href=""/>

    <profileApplication xmi:id="_ONjgoIYYEeGsGOj-M3HL4Q">
      <eAnnotations xmi:id="_ONjgoYYYEeGsGOj-M3HL4Q" source=MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be "">
        <references xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" href=""true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="file:/E:/Program%20Files/Papyrus-1.12/workspace/ArctisProfile/model/arctis.profile.uml#_85TLIAoDEeGPj89VQGUoOg">file:/E:/Program%20Files/Papyrus-1.12/workspace/ArctisProfile/model/arctis.profile.uml#_85TLIAoDEeGPj89VQGUoOg"/>
      <appliedProfile href="" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="file:/E:/Program%20Files/Papyrus-1.12/workspace/ArctisProfile/model/arctis.profile.uml#_lbS9gFm_Ed-BsIyprHxBdA">"file:/E:/Program%20Files/Papyrus-1.12/workspace/ArctisProfile/model/arctis.profile.uml#_lbS9gFm_Ed-BsIyprHxBdA"/>

Henshin will recognize the second way of importing the profiles. but the first way,the profile is contained in the plugin in the eclipse environment, won't.

Can henshin support pathmap in eclipse plugin?  if not, is there a compensate way?
yours sincerely,

Simon Han

On 14.04.2012 11:43, Christian Krause wrote:
Hi Simon,

if the attribute is of type String and you want to assign the constant "hahah" to it, the correct _expression_ would be:


So if you want to use a string constant, you have to use the quotes.


Am 13.04.2012 21:15, schrieb sih:
hi i got a not-working example:
    this one is not related with profiling, is about add attributes to the nodes.

     add a comment to a flow final node.
if i put a attribute to the comment, the transformation will not working, if i delete the property in the comment node. the rule will work.
since any "real" uml models  will contain attributes, this should be corrected.

to avoid complexity, i did not apply any profile.
you can test it out with the attached files: root model : My1.uml   henshin file: uml_metamodel.henshin

yours sincerely,
Simon Han

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