Greetings handly-dev,
Finally, I pushed to master the results of a redesign around source elements
(Bug 461262 "ISourceElement: remove hard dependency on ISourceFile", known
previously as "New API: IModule"). You can try it with the latest I-build:
Please note that in the process a few breaking changes had to be introduced.
As a rule, we try to keep backwards compatibility, but in this case it was,
unfortunately, not possible, and it is hoped that future benefits should
outweight present costs.
Here's the complete list of breaking changes:
* ISourceElement#getSourceFile() got removed
* ISourceElementInfo#getSnapshot() may now return null (if no source
is available)
* ISourceElementInfo#getFullRange() and #getIdentifyingRange()
may now return null, but may no more return a NULL_RANGE (see below)
* TextRange#isNull() and #NULL_RANGE got removed. The special source range
with a -1 offset and a 0 length was a JDT legacy that I did not readily
identified as such. It may be very painful to deprecate it (JDT couldn't):
that's why we had to do it as soon as possible. For reference, see
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Best regards,