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[glsp-build] Build eclipse-glsp/glsp-client/master (#91) FAILURE

Job: eclipse-glsp/glsp-client/master
Build Number: 91
Build URL:
Started by user Tobias Ortmayr
Running as Tobias Ortmayr
Connecting to using GitHub app GLSP
Obtained Jenkinsfile from 51cc670e7a521a27dcba37437ef80e46df0d5e42
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] echo
[WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option.
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Created Pod: kubernetes glsp/glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8
Still waiting to schedule task
‘glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8’ is offline
Agent glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8 is provisioned from template glsp-agent-pod-xl640
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.glsp.svc.cluster.local/glsp/job/eclipse-glsp/job/glsp-client/job/master/91/";
    runUrl: "job/eclipse-glsp/job/glsp-client/job/master/91/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label-digest: "ada02baee263c1a03329f0354abad8439fdbe91c"
    jenkins/label: "glsp-agent-pod"
  name: "glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8"
  namespace: "glsp"
  - command:
    - "cat"
    image: "node:14"
    name: "node"
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "1"
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "1"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins"
      name: "jenkins-home"
      readOnly: false
    - mountPath: "/.yarn"
      name: "yarn-global"
      readOnly: false
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.glsp.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.glsp.svc.cluster.local/glsp/";
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
      limits: {}
        memory: "256Mi"
        cpu: "100m"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  - emptyDir: {}
    name: "yarn-global"
  - emptyDir: {}
    name: "jenkins-home"
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on glsp-agent-pod-xl640-f0jz8 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
[Pipeline] checkout
The recommended git tool is: git
using credential github-app-glsp
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags
Cloning repository
 > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub app GLSP
 > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 51cc670e7a521a27dcba37437ef80e46df0d5e42 (master)
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 51cc670e7a521a27dcba37437ef80e46df0d5e42 # timeout=10
Commit message: "Monorepo housekeeping (#205)"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 51cc670e7a521a27dcba37437ef80e46df0d5e42 # timeout=10
[GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: CI Jenkins Build, status: in_progress) has been published.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build)
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 30 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ yarn install
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
[4/5] Linking dependencies...
[5/5] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
$ lerna run prepare
lerna notice cli v6.1.0
lerna info ci enabled

 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Running target prepare for 4 project(s):

    - @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp
    - workflow-standalone
    - @eclipse-glsp/client
    - @eclipse-glsp/protocol


> @eclipse-glsp/protocol:prepare

@eclipse-glsp/protocol: yarn run v1.22.19
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ yarn clean && yarn build
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo 
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ tsc -b
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: Done in 6.06s.

> @eclipse-glsp/client:prepare

@eclipse-glsp/client: yarn run v1.22.19
@eclipse-glsp/client: $ yarn clean && yarn build
@eclipse-glsp/client: $ rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo 
@eclipse-glsp/client: $ tsc -b
@eclipse-glsp/client: Done in 10.87s.

> @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp:prepare

@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: yarn run v1.22.19
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: $ yarn clean && yarn build 
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: $ rimraf tsconfig.tsbuildinfo  lib
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: $ tsc -b
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: Done in 4.98s.

> workflow-standalone:prepare

workflow-standalone: yarn run v1.22.19
workflow-standalone: $ yarn clean && yarn build
workflow-standalone: $ rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo app/bundle.js app/ app/css
workflow-standalone: $ tsc -b && webpack
workflow-standalone: Hash: ec4ee0980c6cd298a335
workflow-standalone: Version: webpack 4.46.0
workflow-standalone: Time: 7217ms
workflow-standalone: Built at: 12/13/2022 10:29:06 AM
workflow-standalone:         Asset      Size  Chunks                   Chunk Names
workflow-standalone:     bundle.js  3.48 MiB    main  [emitted]        main
workflow-standalone:  3.99 MiB    main  [emitted] [dev]  main
workflow-standalone:   codicon.ttf  66.3 KiB          [emitted]        
workflow-standalone: Entrypoint main = bundle.js
workflow-standalone: [0] multi ./lib/index 28 bytes {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/path-browserify/index.js 8.54 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../node_modules/process/browser.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/process/browser.js 5.29 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js 50 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 472 bytes {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/action-dispatcher.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/action-dispatcher.js 5.81 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/actions/focus-change-action.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/actions/focus-change-action.js 1.59 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/argumentable.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/argumentable.js 235 bytes {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/auto-complete-actions.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/auto-complete-actions.js 1.28 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/auto-complete-widget.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/auto-complete-widget.js 10.5 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/validation-decorator.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/base/auto-complete/validation-decorator.js 4.74 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [../../packages/client/lib/index.js] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/packages/client/lib/index.js 9.74 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [./lib/app.js] 2.74 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [./lib/di.config.js] 1.65 KiB {main} [built]
workflow-standalone: [./lib/index.js] 955 bytes {main} [built]
workflow-standalone:     + 631 hidden modules
workflow-standalone: Done in 13.06s.


 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Successfully ran target prepare for 4 projects

Done in 84.90s.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Codechecks (ESLint))
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 30 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ yarn lint:ci
yarn run v1.22.19
$ lerna run lint:ci
lerna notice cli v6.1.0
lerna info ci enabled

 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Running target lint:ci for 4 project(s):

    - @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp
    - workflow-standalone
    - @eclipse-glsp/client
    - @eclipse-glsp/protocol


> @eclipse-glsp/protocol:"lint:ci"

@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ yarn lint -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle

> @eclipse-glsp/client:"lint:ci"

@eclipse-glsp/client: $ yarn lint -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle
@eclipse-glsp/client: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle

> @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp:"lint:ci"

@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: $ yarn lint -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle
@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle

> workflow-standalone:"lint:ci"

workflow-standalone: $ yarn lint -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle
workflow-standalone: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src -o eslint.xml -f checkstyle


 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Successfully ran target lint:ci for 4 projects

Done in 49.32s.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Tests (Mocha))
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 30 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ yarn test:ci
yarn run v1.22.19
$ lerna run test:ci
lerna notice cli v6.1.0
lerna info ci enabled

 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Running target test:ci for 2 project(s):

    - @eclipse-glsp/client
    - @eclipse-glsp/protocol


> @eclipse-glsp/protocol:"test:ci"

@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ export JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=./report.xml && yarn test --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter
@eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc.json "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions Action is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property with string type: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having a `kind` property with incorrect type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions Action hasKind
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property that matches the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having a "kind" property that does not match the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object not having a `kind` property: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions ActionMessage is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has all required interface properties an `action` property that passes the typeguard check: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has all required interface properties but does not have an `action` property that passes the typeguard check  : 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 5
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions RequestAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions RequestAction hasKind
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions ResponseAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions ResponseAction hasValidResponseId
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a non-empty value for `requestId`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an empty value for `requestId`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions RejectAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions RejectAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions Operation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions Operation hasKind
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions CompoundOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 50ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.051 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Base Protocol Actions CompoundOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Client notification actions ServerStatusAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Client notification actions ServerStatusAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Client notification actions ServerMessageAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Client notification actions ServerMessageAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions RequestClipboardDataAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions RequestClipboardDataAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions SetClipboardDataAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions SetClipboardDataAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions CutOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions CutOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions PasteOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Clipboard actions PasteOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Edge modification operations ReconnectEdgeOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Edge modification operations ReconnectEdgeOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Edge modification operations ChangeRoutingPointsOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Edge modification operations ChangeRoutingPointsOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required args: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations CreateOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations CreateNodeOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations CreateNodeOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations CreateEdgeOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations CreateEdgeOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations DeleteElementOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element creation operations DeleteElementOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element hover actions RequestPopupModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element hover actions RequestPopupModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element hover actions SetPopupModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element hover actions SetPopupModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget hasArguments
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a defined `args` property: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an undefined `args property: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget addArgument
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should assign a new `args` property to the given target and add the given key-value pair to the args object: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget getElementIds
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return the value for the ELEMENT_IDS key of the args object of the given target as a string array: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an empty array for the given target with an undefined args property: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget setElementIds
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ (should store the given element id array as a joined string value for the ELEMENT_IDS key: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget setTextPosition
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ (should store the given text position in the args property of the given target with separate keys for column and line.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigationTarget getTextPosition
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return the text position composed of its correspond keys in the args object of the given target: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return undefined for the given target with an undefined args property: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions RequestNavigationTargetsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions RequestNavigationTargetsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions SetNavigationTargetsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions SetNavigationTargetsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions ResolveNavigationTargetAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions ResolveNavigationTargetAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions SetResolvedNavigationTargetAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions SetResolvedNavigationTargetAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigateToExternalTargetAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element navigation actions NavigateToExternalTargetAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element selection actions SelectAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.06 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element selection actions SelectAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element selection actions SelectAllAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element selection actions SelectAllAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.088 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions RequestEditValidationAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions RequestEditValidationAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions SetEditValidationResultAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions SetEditValidationResultAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions ApplyLabelEditOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element text editing actions ApplyLabelEditOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element type hints actions RequestTypeHintsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element type hints actions RequestTypeHintsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element type hints actions SetTypeHintsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element type hints actions SetTypeHintsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions RequestMarkersAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions RequestMarkersAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions SetMarkersAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions SetMarkersAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions DeleteMarkersAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Element validation actions DeleteMarkersAction is create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions RequestModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions RequestModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions SetModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions SetModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions UpdateModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 73ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.074 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions UpdateModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions SourceModelChangedAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model data actions SourceModelChangedAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   SetEditModeAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   SetEditModeAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions RequestBoundsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions RequestBoundsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions ComputedBoundsAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions ComputedBoundsAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions LayoutOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model layout actions LayoutOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions SaveModelAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions SaveModelAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions SetDirtyStateAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions SetDirtyStateAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions RequestExportSvgAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions RequestExportSvgAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions ExportSvgAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Model saving actions ExportSvgAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Node modification actions is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Node modification actions create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   ChangeContainerOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   ChangeContainerOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Tool palette Actions TrigerNodeCreationAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Tool palette Actions TrigerNodeCreationAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Tool palette Actions TriggerEdgeCreationAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Tool palette Actions TriggerEdgeCreationAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Undo & Redo Actions UndoOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Undo & Redo Actions UndoOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Undo & Redo Actions RedoOperation is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Undo & Redo Actions RedoOperation create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Viewport Actions CenterAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Viewport Actions CenterAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Viewport Actions FitToScreenAction is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Viewport Actions FitToScreenAction create
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil AnyObject is
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an empty object: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object with arbitrary properties: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for `null`: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for any object of primitive type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 5
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil hasStringProp
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil hasBooleanProp
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil hasNumberProp
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil hasObjectProp
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   TypeUtil hasArrayProp
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:       ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/protocol:   306 passing (405ms)

> @eclipse-glsp/client:"test:ci"

@eclipse-glsp/client: $ export JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=./report.xml && yarn test --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter
@eclipse-glsp/client: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc.json "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter
@eclipse-glsp/client:   GridSnapper
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ snap: 3ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.008 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/client:   PointPositionUpdater
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ updatePosition with no last drag position: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ update last position and reset: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ updatePosition with no snapper: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ updatePosition with snapper: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/client:   AlignElementsCommand
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements left: 8ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements right: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements center: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements top: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements bottom: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should align all elements middle: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.014 s, Tests: 6
@eclipse-glsp/client:   ResizeElementsCommand
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should make same width as last: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should make same height as last: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should make same width and height as last: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/client:   FreeFormLayouter issue-610
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ recursive hGrab/vGrab: 5ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.005 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/client:   FreeFormLayouter issue-694
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true), Left-aligned label (hGrab=true), right-aligned label (hGrab=false): 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true): 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true, padding*=10): 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.005 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/client:   HBoxLayouter
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ defaultParams: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignTop: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignCenter: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignBottom: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ padding: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ hGap: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ paddingFactor: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ minWidth: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ minHeight: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ prefWidth: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ prefHeight: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 11
@eclipse-glsp/client:   VBoxLayouter
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ defaultParams: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignLeft: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignCenter: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ alignRight: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ padding: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ vGap: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ paddingFactor: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ minWidth: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ minHeight: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ prefWidth: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ prefHeight: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.005 s, Tests: 11
@eclipse-glsp/client:   NavigationTarget
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should be able to set and get element IDs: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should be able to set and get textual positions: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should be able to set and get custom query arguments: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ should specify whether it has arguments: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/client:   SelectionService Initial State
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ On creation nothing should be selected and no feedback should be dispatched.: 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 1
@eclipse-glsp/client:   SelectionService Single Selection
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting a single element should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback.: 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting the same element twice in one operation should not make a difference.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same element should result in an empty selection.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same element in the same operation should have no effect.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting and deselecting not-existing nodes should have no effect.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.007 s, Tests: 5
@eclipse-glsp/client:   SelectionService Multi Selection
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting multiple elements should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting multiple elements should have the selection order in the dispatched feedback.: 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting the same elements twice in one operation should not make a difference.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same elements should result in an empty selection.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same elements in one operation should have no effect.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting three elements and deselecting one should result in two selected and one deselected element.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A series of selection and deselection operations should be tracked correctly.: 29ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.039 s, Tests: 7
@eclipse-glsp/client:   SelectionService Changing Root
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Changing root deselects all selected elements if there are no matching elements.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Changing root keeps selected elements if there are matching elements.: 2ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Changing root with new selection correctly selects matchting elements and deselects not matching elements.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.007 s, Tests: 3
@eclipse-glsp/client:   SelectionService Listeners
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a single selection change.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a multi-selection change.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A registered listener should be notified of series of selection changes.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A registered listener should receive the selected elements in the right order.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A registered listener should be notified of root changes.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Registering an already registered listener should have no effect.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting the same elements consecutively should not trigger a listener update.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ Selecting a not-existing elements should not trigger a listener update.: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ All registered listeners should be called on selection changes.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ A deregistered listener should not receive further updates.: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.012 s, Tests: 10
@eclipse-glsp/client:   MarqueeUtil Node marquee
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ touch element: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ touch element (reverse): 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ mark entire element: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ mark entire element (reverse): 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4
@eclipse-glsp/client:   MarqueeUtil Edge marquee
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ touch edge: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ touch edge (reverse): 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ mark entire edge: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ mark entire edge (reverse): 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ edge path should be marked: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 5
@eclipse-glsp/client:   MarkerNavigator
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ next(undefined) without any markers returns undefined: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ previous(undefined) without any markers returns undefined: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ next(undefined) with one marker returns the one marker: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ next(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker: 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ previous(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ next(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ previous(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker: 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with next(): 0ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:       ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with previous(): 1ms
@eclipse-glsp/client:   Suite duration: 0.005 s, Tests: 9
@eclipse-glsp/client:   88 passing (172ms)


 >  Lerna (powered by Nx)   Successfully ran target test:ci for 2 projects

Done in 21.41s.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Deploy (master only))
[Pipeline] sh
+ git diff --name-only 'HEAD^'
+ grep --quiet '^packages\|examples'
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 30 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $NPM_AUTH_TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ printf //****

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] sh
+ git config eclipse-glsp-bot@xxxxxxxxxxx
[Pipeline] sh
+ git config eclipse-glsp-bot
[Pipeline] sh
+ yarn publish:next
yarn run v1.22.19
$ SHA=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) && lerna publish preminor --exact --canary --preid next.${SHA} --dist-tag next --no-git-reset --no-git-tag-version --no-push --ignore-scripts --yes --no-verify-access
lerna notice cli v6.1.0
lerna info ci enabled
lerna WARN verify-access --verify-access=false and --no-verify-access are no longer needed, because the legacy preemptive access verification is now disabled by default. Requests will fail with appropriate errors when not authorized correctly.
lerna info canary enabled
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT Working tree has uncommitted changes, please commit or remove the following changes before continuing:
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT  M yarn.lock
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? .npmrc
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? examples/workflow-glsp/eslint.xml
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? examples/workflow-standalone/eslint.xml
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? packages/client/eslint.xml
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? packages/client/report.xml
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? packages/protocol/eslint.xml
lerna ERR! EUNCOMMIT ?? packages/protocol/report.xml
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] recordIssues
[ESLint] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master' that match the pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml'
[ESLint] -> found 4 files
[ESLint] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/@eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp/eslint.xml
[ESLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[ESLint] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/@eclipse-glsp/client/eslint.xml
[ESLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[ESLint] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/@eclipse-glsp/protocol/eslint.xml
[ESLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[ESLint] Successfully parsed file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/workflow-standalone/eslint.xml
[ESLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[ESLint] Skipping post processing
[ESLint] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[ESLint] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[ESLint] Reference build recorder is not configured
[ESLint] Obtaining reference build from same job (master)
[ESLint] Using reference build 'eclipse-glsp/glsp-client/master #89' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[ESLint] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[ESLint] Evaluating quality gates
[ESLint] -> PASSED - Total (any severity): 0 - Quality Gate: 1
[ESLint] -> All quality gates have been passed
[ESLint] Health report is disabled - skipping
[ESLint] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[ESLint] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'eslint' to build 'eclipse-glsp/glsp-client/master #91'.
[GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: ESLint, status: completed) has been published.
[Pipeline] withChecks
[Pipeline] {
[GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: Tests, status: in_progress) has been published.
[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
[GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: Tests, status: completed) has been published.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withChecks
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
Build result FAILURE: Send email notification to glsp-build@xxxxxxxxxxx
[Pipeline] emailext
Sending email to: glsp-build@xxxxxxxxxxx

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