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Re: [glassfish-dev] Woodstock

Hi Steve,

With 1, do you mean people familiar with Woodstock? To the best of my knowledge I'm afraid that's mostly the Payara guys, Suzan and to some degree Jonathan I think would be most up to date. Outside those I've not seen anyone using either JSF Template or Woodstock for at least 10 years. I've also quickly asked on a Faces chat I've open with some of the JSF/Faces committers and there doesn't seem to be anyone. Last person might have been Roger, but he's not longer at Oracle and not in a company now that's involved with Jakarta.

For 2. I guess some of us will have to do the work for the conversion and do a PR. Maybe Mark Struberg can assist there (cc'ed).

Kind regards,

On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 7:24 PM Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We've hit a problem with moving GlassFish to the jakarta namespace particularly in the area of the admin console.

1) We think we need to move woodstock to the jakarta namespace but are not too familiar with it. Is there anybody familiar with it?
2) Woodstock uses Apache Commons File Upload which reference javax.servlet.

Any ideas?

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