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[geowave-dev] Regarding --query.typeNames in dbscan


Im trying to do dbscan in geowave and here is what i did

Ingested shape file using below command and the following tables are created in cassandra - "adapter_geowave_metadata ,aim_geowave_metadata , index_geowave_metadata ,internal_adapter_geowave_metadata , stats_geowave_metadata ,testindex5 "

1.  geowave ingest localtogw /mnt/ne_50m_admin_0_countries teststore5 testindex5 -f geotools-vector

After this when i do  " geowave store listtypes teststore5" ,it gives the following output.

"Available types: ne_50m_admin_0_countries "

2. But when i do DBSCAN on top of this using the command 

"geowave analytic dbscan -cmi 5 -cms 10 -emn 2 -emx 6 -pmd 1000 -orc 4 -hdfs localhost:9870 -jobtracker localhost:8088 -hdfsbase /test_dir teststore5 --query.typeNames ne_50m_admin_0_countries "

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