Thanks for looking at the problem having so little time.
I understand why you need the same CRS, and before showing what i'm seeing with your lenient suggestion, i need to give some more info.
Yesterday i was trying to load this geotiff directly in geoserver and when trying to publish the layer discover that the crs was unknown (Native CRS UNKNOWN). But looking at the gdalinfo i saw that it was very similar to the EPSG:45555 (WRF_Lambert_Conformal_Conic
2), so i set this CRS in the "Declared SRS" to EPSG:4555. That make the layer work in geoserver
So i thought that maybe i can use this crs to load the geotiff before saving it it in geowave, and in fact doing that made the ingest work, the "bursa wolf" issue disappear. This is how I load the geotiff
Hints hints = new Hints();
GridCoverage2D coverage = new GeoTiffReader(new File(rasterFileName), hint ).read(null);
Nevetherless when publishing the layer through the
(both native and declared srs are
EPSG:4326 now) this is what i see
So it's not looking good.
Now, returning to your lenient suggestion, when adding this in RasterDataAdapter
resampleHints.put(Hints.LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT, Boolean.valueOf(true));
and loading the geotiff without the
GridCoverage2D coverage = new GeoTiffReader(new File(rasterFileName), null).read(null);
It doesn't throw any "bursa wolf" error, but the image seems wrong too (but different than before)
So i'm not sure looking at this pictures if geowave is ingesting right or not. Maybe is an issue of the
GeoWaveRasterFormat adapter for geoserver?