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[geowave-dev] problems with


I must have missed something here:
It says:

# Install GeoWave Accumulo iterator on a host (probably a namenode)
yum --enablerepo=geowave install geowave-0.8.7-cdh5-accumulo

I am running on a namenode. My HDFS location for accumulo is /accumulo. However the /accumulo location is owned by cloudera-scm, a nologin account. So when the script tries to su to the supplied account (cloudera-scm) it prompts for a password. There is no password. There is no associated shell. Generally anytime the account is used, it is used via sudo -u, e.g.:

sudo -u cloudera-scm hadoop fs -ls /accumulo

I also tried:

sudo -u cloudera-scm bash

And then executed the script (no args). It prompts for a password.

I can modify the script to get it to work, but I can't be the first person to encounter this. And I want to do this in a sane fashion. Can you tell me how you intend for the user to accomplish this with the cloudera-scm nologin account?


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