Hello, everyone.
I try to write an application using geomesa with accumulo.
I have a problem stats not gathered.
I have empty namespace in accumulo. Create a schema like
from java code:
// build the type
private static SimpleFeatureType makeSFT(SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder) {
SimpleFeatureType sft = builder.buildFeatureType();
"time(30 days)"); // Age-off filter by "time" field
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled", "z3,z2,attr:time,attr:cam:time");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.z3.interval", "week");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.table.partition", "time");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.index.dtg", "time");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.z.splits", "4");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.attr.splits", "4");
sft.getDescriptor("cam").getUserData().put("index", "true");
sft.getDescriptor("time").getUserData().put("index", "true");
sft.getDescriptor("geo").getUserData().put("index", "true");
sft.getDescriptor("cam").getUserData().put("keep-stats", "true");
return sft;
~/bin/geomesa-accumulo_2.12-3.2.2/bin ./geomesa-accumulo
describe-schema -c myNamespace.geomesa -z -i
accumulo -u root -p qweasd123 -f SignalBuilder
INFO Describing attributes of feature 'SignalBuilder'
geo | Point (Spatio-temporally indexed) (Spatially
time | Date (Spatio-temporally indexed) (Attribute
cam | String (Attribute indexed)
imei | String
dir | Double
alt | Double
vlc | Double
sl | Integer
ds | Integer
dir_y | Double
poi_azimuth_x | Double
poi_azimuth_y | Double
User data:
geomesa.attr.splits | 4
geomesa.feature.expiry | time(30 days)
geomesa.index.dtg | time
geomesa.indices |
geomesa.stats.enable | true
geomesa.table.partition | time
geomesa.z.splits | 4
geomesa.z3.interval | week
And put 1000 geocoordinates like this
private Integer writeDataInternal(List<GeoEvent> events) throws IOException {
if (events == null || events.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
int count = 0;
//запись в geomesa
try (FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer = dataStore.getFeatureWriterAppend(
SimpleFeatureUtils.TYPE.getTypeName(), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT)) {
for (GeoEvent event : events) {
SimpleFeature feature = SimpleFeatureUtils.toSimpleFeature(event);
String event_id = feature.getID();
if (!event_id.contains(event.getCam())) {
log.info("event not contain camId");
SimpleFeature toWrite = writer.next();
toWrite.getUserData().put(Hints.PROVIDED_FID, event_id);
log.info("Event id = {}, for event = {}", event_id, event);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Geomesa write error", e);
return count;
the result
~/bin/geomesa-accumulo_2.12-3.2.2/bin ./geomesa-accumulo
stats-count -c myNamespace.geomesa -z -i
accumulo -u root -p qweasd123 -f SignalBuilder
Estimated count: 1000
~/bin/geomesa-accumulo_2.12-3.2.2/bin ./geomesa-accumulo
stats-count -c myNamespace.geomesa -z -i
accumulo -u root -p qweasd123 -f SignalBuilder -q
Estimated count: 950
after analyze it removes all statistics for that cam
~/bin/geomesa-accumulo_2.12-3.2.2/bin ./geomesa-accumulo
stats-analyze -c myNamespace.geomesa -z -i
accumulo -u root -p qweasd123 -f SignalBuilder
INFO Running stat analysis for feature type SignalBuilder...
INFO Stats analyzed:
Total features: 1000
Bounds for geo: [ 37.598174, 55.736823, 37.681424, 55.820073
] cardinality: 981
Bounds for time: [ 2022-02-22T11:46:42.000Z to
2022-02-22T12:20:00.000Z ] cardinality: 957
Bounds for cam: [ 0000c1fe-a727-4a86-9eee-5b99d21038ea to
0000c1fe-a727-4a86-9eee-5b99d21038ea ] cardinality: 1
INFO Use 'stats-histogram', 'stats-top-k' or 'stats-count'
commands for more details
~/bin/geomesa-accumulo_2.12-3.2.2/bin ./geomesa-accumulo
stats-count -c myNamespace.geomesa -z -i
accumulo -u root -p qweasd123 -f SignalBuilder -q
Estimated count: 0
Maybe the reason is on accumulo server there is no spark?
How to get statistics? Thank you