i’ve a trobule using
https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-nifi v3.2.0 component to ingest data:
I use this command to import data via cli:
./bin/geomesa-redis ingest -u redis://:nY6F.Ju8G.4xN2CjRT@ -c tpl -f water -s time:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326,vehicleID:int /home/assets/geomesa-ingestion/test.tsv
it works well and I can see data with datetime, point and vehicleID
Example of data:
I tried to import the same file with PutGeomesaRedisRecord: “Geometry
columns” setted up geom:Point:srid=4326 works fine, connection is ok, but I cannot figure out how setup “Default date columns” to accept my date column. I tried several way, column name is “time”
and I tried with these values: “time”, “time:Date”, “time:DATE”, “time:date”, “time:timestamp”, “time:Timestamp”, “time.TIMESTAMP”. I also tried to use different values for time: with or without single/double quota, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
timestamp numeric but all of these tries lead up to the same error:
If I leave “Default date columns” empty, data is written on redis but with string/numeric values depends on which values I use.
After I tried PutGeoMesaRedis, I saved the sft when I import it with cli and I try to use via processor. This lead up to that error.
I also tried with HBase but I just found the same problems
Could you please help me?
Francesco Gusmeroli