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Re: [geomesa-users] [geomesa-dev] GDELT tutorial


How quickly did the map reduce job finish?
One possible issue could be that you need to unzip the .zip file so that the file format is TSV.
In case that doesn't help, I will also try a few tests of my own and get back to you.


On 06/25/2014 04:31 PM, Kelly O'Conor wrote:
Trying to work throught the GeoMesa-GDELT tutorial and getting stumped while ingesting the data downloaded from the GDELT link provided. 

After running: (ls -1 | xargs -n 1 zcat) | hadoop fs -put - /Users/kelly.oconor/geomesa-gdelt/ 


hadoop jar target/geomesa-gdelt-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar geomesa.gdelt.GDELTIngest -instanceId lumify -zookeepers localhost -user root -password password -auths kelly -visibilities kelly -tableName gdelt10 -featureName gdelt -ingestFile hdfs:///Users/kelly.oconor/geomesa-gdelt/ 

I have noticed that in my accumulo tables there only appears to be 6 entries.

The Map Reduce job seems to finish so I am at a loss for where the data is going. How do I get the entries into the table? 


Kelly O’Conor 

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