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[geomesa-users] WMS 1.1.0 getMap call Hangs



I just started working with Geomesa for an R&D project at my company.  I compiled geomesa against Accumulo 1.5.1 and installed it to an accumulo cloud (test) that we have.  I installed the GeoServer plugin against my local machine with GeoServer 2.4.4.  Once I created the Datastore and used the createfeaturetype within GeoServer, I was able to post some points to a simple point feature I created.


When I only posted 4-10 points, I was able to use the GeoServer layer preview page and return the data to the openlayers demo previewer.  When I added an additional 10 points, bringing the total to 20 points, the same openlayers demo previewer with WMS will run my CPUs to 100% against the java process and will stay this way until the WMS map generation timeout expires. 


I can make a WFS getfeature call with the GeoJSON output format and return all 20 of my sample points.


Are there any configuration gotcha’s that may cause the issues I am seeing?  Open to all suggestions.




Chris Snider

Senior Software Engineer


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