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Re: [equinox-dev] [eclipse-dev] [jdt-dev] Eclipse SDK tests stability

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 11:13 AM Manoj Nalledathu Palat via eclipse-dev <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I saw Michael Istria’s message - about - – am yet to receive it in the mail though – so not able to reply to that. So was wondering whether we can have a sub-issue per-release for each of the participants – eg one issue for jdt.core, jdt.ui, etc.. where we will update the I-build we checked the test results – only one issue per component per release. This way we can track in a systematic way as well.

I don't think it makes sense to have different reports for each component at the moment, the tests all run together in the same build, and trying to drill down the build result could be some extra work for low value.
All committers for Equinox/Platform/JDT/PDE are expected to follow the eclipse-dev mailing-list, and those aggregator builds are common. They do not map the grain of per-project repo (there are already builds on CI to achieve that).
If some components want more flexibility over the SDK build, then it has to be thought more generally: each project should then fully take care of maintaining its own  build and publish its own releases. The SDK would be a build that simply assemble those and re-runs some tests. That would be a welcome change IMO, but a big one.

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