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[equinox-dev] Committer Election for Mykola Nikishov on Eclipse Equinox has started
A committer election for Mykola Nikishov on project Eclipse Equinox
(eclipse.equinox) was started by Alexander Kurtakov with this criteria:
Mykola has been contributing to Equinox for years and he has 78(!) patches in
p2 repo. He has been the person bringing p2 out of the unsecure MD5 checksums
and helps keep the maintainability of the codebase. List of contributions
List childs' URI in composite repositories' toString()
Prevent NPE in DebugHelper's formatParameters method
Extract method to calculate repository factories' order
Bug 471875 - [IconExe] Improve error message when launcher's icons has
not been replaced
Bug 490028 - Extract MD5 checksum calculation into a separate class
Bug 336246 - Remove the metadata generator
Bug 494822 - Pass a range specification unconditionally
Rename comparatorPoint constant to follow Java naming conventions
Bug 490028 - Extract MD5 checksum calculation into a separate class
Add tests for IPublisherInfo.A_NO_MD5 contract
Bug 493193 - MirrorApplication should explicitly use MD5 artifact
Bug 493193 - MirrorApplication should explicitly use MD5 artifact
Prefer an enhanced for statement over the basic one
Ignore Tycho plugins unsupported by M2E
Fix 'always true' assertion
[jdt settings] Unused local variable is an error
Prefer an enhanced for statement over the basic one
Reason for failed assert that the log file doesn't contain message
Make Tycho's compiler use configuration from
Assert that two object arrays are equal with JUnit's
assertArrayEquals(Object[], Object[])
Replace assertTrue with assertThat
Convert plain text in javadoc to a link
Bug 509401 - Clean up ChecksumProducer's computeMD5(File)
Bug 509401 - Don't hide I/O problems in ChecksumProducer's
Bug 509401 - Create an artifact descriptor for a directory
Bug 423715 - Rename checksum-related constants in
Fix javadoc on return value of LocationProperties's
Some mirroring tests use wrong Messages
Bug 518850 - Replace RepositoryDescriptor with repository location
Reuse existing ctor
Bug 518031 - Throw exception if unable to create a secured XML factory
Bug 423715 - Add SHA256 to p2 metadata publishing
Bug 423715 - Check MD5Verifier's status before using it
Bug 423715 - Encapsulate checks performed during MD5Verifier creation
Bug 423715 - ArtifactRepositoryValidator should catch IAE in order to
throw ProvisionException
Bug 423715 - Extract methods in ArtifactComparatorFactory
Bug 423715 - ArtifactRepositoryValidator reports original cause
Bug 423715 - ArtifactComparatorFactory reports available comparators
Bug 423715 - More javadoc for ArtifactComparatorFactory
Bug 423715 - Use enhanced loop in MD5Verifier
Bug 423715 - Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder in MD5Verifier
Bug 507657 - Refactor AbstractRepositoryManager's loadIndexFile(URI,
String, IProgressMonitor)
Bug 531354 - Restore binary compatibility of publisher.eclipse bundle
Bug 423715 - Support multiple algorithms for artifact checksums
Bug 423715 - Really preserve legacy MD5 properties
Bug 531606 - RequiredCapability introduced binary-incompatible changes
Bug 532118 - Reduce number of calls to
Bug 532118 - Eliminate exception when checking if buffer is full in
Extract method to get artifact repositories in DownloadManager
Refactor internal MirrorSelector's computeMirrors(String,
Refactor internal MirrorSelector's computeMirrors(String,
Refactor internal MirrorSelector's computeMirrors(String,
Nothing to return from MirrorSelector's initMirrors method
Fix typo in MirrorSelector's initMirrors(IProgressMonitor) javadoc
Photon target platform - use /releases/photon p2 repository
Default target for master branch
Fix typo in IArtifactDescriptor.*_CHECKSUM javadocs
Bug 536326 - Improve messages in MirrorRequestTest's
Bug 536326 - Report ARTIFACT_PROCESSING_ERROR from pack200 processing
Bug 536326 - Add failing test w/mirrors into MirrorRequestTest
Reuse ChecksumHelper.MD5 constant
Fix setup for ImportExportTests
Switch default target platform file to 4.10-I builds
Bug 535897 - Run tests from org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.optimizers
Simplify ChecksumUtilities' getLegacyMd5Verifier(String)
[RFC] Bug 536282 - Check whether processing step is available
Uncomment tests in ProcessingStepHandlerTest
Make MessageDigestProcessingStep's methods final
Close HTML tag in artifactChecksums.exsd
Bug 536282 - Check whether processing step is available
Contribute MD5 via artifactChecksums extension point instead of
MD5Verifier processing step
Switch default target file to 4.11
Bug 542960 - NPE in InitialSharedInstall's cleanupDotEclipseFolder()
when '~/.eclipse/' doesn't exist
Test for skip checksum logic in ChecksumUtilities'
Bug 543024 - Initialize ChecksumVerifier as ProcessingStep
Bug 543047 - ChecksumVerifier should read checksum from processing
descriptor's data only
Remove unused parameter from SimpleArtifactRepository's private method
Remove unused parameters from Engine's checkArguments private method
Eclipse Equinox project committers can click the election link below to vote.
Project: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.equinox