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Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox doesn't declare a Provide-Capability header for

Christian, the capability can only be published at runtime, i.e. when Equinox works out what EE it's actually running on.

When performing resolution against a repository prior to runtime, you have to assume which EE you are targeting and handle the requirements from within your ResolveContext implementation.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:49 AM, Christian Berger <C.Berger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi @all,


I was just wondering why Equinox exports org.osgi.framework in version 1.7 which indicates OSGi R5 support but does not provide any capability header for execution environments as described in the core specification (chapter 8.2). Since I’m using Equinox in conjunction with an implementation of the Repository Service I would need such a header.  This results from my requirements of my resources, because each Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment will be transformed to a requirement like




However, although Equinox is compatible with this execution environment the resolver process will fail because nobody provides this capability explicitly.


It would be nice if somebody can give a statement on this.


Thanks in advance


Cheers Christian

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