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[epf-dev] EPF XML Schema vs. Java implementation and persisted XMI files


I'm trying to parse EPF models persisted to XMI. I took the epf_prac_151 library (found at The most up to date version of the EPF XML Schema is "EPF_Schema_201003161045.xsd" (found at and in the git repository at

When I took a look at the XML schema I observed naming conflicts between the XML schema and the library's XMI files. While the XMI files seem to map fine to the Java implementation of  the UMA/EPF classes (found at the XML schema seems to vary.

To give an example: WorkBreakdownElement
  • XML schema: (starting around line 948):
<xsd:extension base="uma:BreakdownElement">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
         <xsd:element name="Predecessor" type="uma:WorkOrder"/>
public abstract class WorkBreakdownElementImpl extends BreakdownElementImpl
		implements WorkBreakdownElement {
	 * The cached value of the '{@link #getLinkToPredecessor() <em>Link To Predecessor</em>}' reference list.
	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
	 * @see #getLinkToPredecessor()
	 * @generated
	 * @ordered
	protected EList<WorkOrder> linkToPredecessor;
  • XMI file: epf_prac_151/process.openup.base/capabilitypatterns/transition_phase_iteration/model.xmi (line 36), Activity extends WorkBreakdownElement:
<processElements xsi:type="org.eclipse.epf.uma:Activity" xmi:id="_sL8xMZlXEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" name="deploy_release_to_production" guid="_sL8xMZlXEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" superActivities="_pzQU0dONEdyqlogshP8l4g" linkToPredecessor="_IzB0cZlaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA _IzLlcJlaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA _IzLlcZlaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA _IzLlcplaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA _IzUvYJlaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA _IzUvYZlaEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" variabilityType="extends"> ...

As far as I understood the XMI reflects UMA/EPF's model classes and their attributes. I would expect the XML schema to prescribe the available elements and attributes found in the XMI files, but it does not in every case (see example above "Predecessor" in XML schema vs. "linkToPredecessor" in XMI file and Java implementation).

Is the XML schema outdated or am I missing something important?


Best Regards,
Jöran Pieper

fn;quoted-printable:J=C3=B6ran Pieper
org:Fachhochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences;Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
adr;dom:;;Zur Schwedenschanze 15;Stralsund;M-V;18435
title:wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
tel;work:+49 3834 457303
note;quoted-printable:Labor Management & New Venture=0D=0A=
	Labor Software Systeme

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