Call for Papers – PMDE 2011
First Workshop on Process-based approaches for Model-Driven Engineering
June 7, 2011, Birmingham, UK-
In conjunction with ECMFA 2011 conference, 6-9 June 2011 http://www.ecmfa-2011.org/
Workshop goals
Despite the benefits brought by the Model-Driven Engineering approach, the complexity of today’s applications is still hard to master. Building complex and trustworthy software systems in the shortest time-to-market remains the challenging objective that competitive companies are facing constantly. A more challenging objective for these companies is to be able to formalize their development processes in order to analyze them, to simulate and execute them, and to reason about their possible improvement.
The PMDE Workshop aims to gather researchers and industrial practitioners working in the field of Model-Based Engineering, and more particularly on the use of processes to improve software reliability and productivity.
For more information, please visit the workshop’s web site at: http://www.irit.fr/PMDE2011/index.html
Topics of interest
We invite papers presenting research results or work-in-progress in all areas of process-based approaches for model-driven engineering, including:
•Modelling software and systems processes for model-driven engineering
•Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for modelling software and systems processes
•Transformation-based process modelling: structural and behavioural aspects
•MDE Process patterns: modelling and application
•MDE Process patterns for reuse: definition, search methods, application of patterns
•Process models refactoring and composition
•Process lines and MDE
•Verification of process models
•MDE process enactment and simulation
•MDE Process resource management
•Process metrics for model-driven engineering
•Management of distributed MDE processes
•MDE process evolution: static evolution, process models refactoring, dynamic process evolution, process deviations management
•Process-centred MDE tools
•Description of case studies based on MDE processes, experimentations on real projects, empirical studies
Papers submission
We are seeking for papers in PDF format and not exceeding 10 pages with the LNCS style (for instructions on the Springer LNCS format, please refer to Information for LNCS Authors).
The paper should present original research work related to the above-cited topics and should not be published or submitted simultaneously to other workshops, conferences or journals.
Industrial papers are welcome. Each paper will be blindly reviewed by three members of the Program Committee and the proceedings will be published, with assigned ISBN.
Importantes Dates
•Abstract Submission (Optional): April,8
•Papers Submission: April, 15
•Notification to authors: May,4
•Camera-ready Paper: May, 20
Program committee
•Colin Atkinson (Imperial College, London, UK)
•Behzad Bordbar (University of Birmingham, UK)
•Jacky Estublier (LIG, Grenoble, France)
•Christian Haerdt (EADS, Germany)
•Jason Xabier Mansell (TECNALIA - ICT/European Software Institute, Spain)
•Larrucea Uriarte Xabier (TECNALIA - ICT/European Software Institute, Spain)
•Leon J. Osterweil (University of Massachusetts, USA)
•Richard Paige (University of York, UK)
•Kakade Rupesh (General Motors Technical Centre, Vehicle HVAC Control Systems Group, India)
•Garousi Vahid (University of Calgary Alberta, Canada)
Organizing committee
•Bendraou Reda (LIP6, Paris, France)
•Lbath Redouane (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
•Coulette Bernard (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
•Gervais Marie-Pierre (LIP6, Paris, France)