Hello Everyone:
I'm probably pushing the limits of good taste for using this
mailing list, but a lot of you who are interested in EPF are probably doing
some interesting things that a lot of other people would love to learn about. I
am the stage producer (agile lingo for Track Chair) for the Agile 2009
experience reports. If you have had an interesting experience with agile
software development practices - especially with the use of EPF and OpenUP please
please consider submitting an experiece report for Agile 2009. Its really not
that hard to do. To just submit a proposal all you have to do is write a 600
character topic description. That's it. If the report is accepted then you must
be prepared to write a 4 to 6 page paper (IEEE format) and come to Agile 2009
to present your report. If your report is accepted then your conference
fee is waived (if I remember correctly, or at least greatly reduced). If the
thought of writing a paper daunts you, especially those of you for whom english
is a second or third language, don't worry too much. I have a review committee
of 25 people whose job it is to help you write your paper. Mind you they're
busy too, but the point is you won't be on your own and you will have help.
Please consider this, this is a great opportunity to relate
to your colleagues your experiences and help promote EPF.
best regards,
Steve Adolph