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[emft-dev] [modeling-dev] Modeling projects fail to publish update site bits due to nfs problems (was Re: teneo not getting published on emf update sites)
I can wait, but it'll certainly need a look-see next week. No point
ruining Denis' weekend w/ something that could take days (or minutes?)
to solve.
Copying modeling-dev@ so as to minimize the freakouts in the meantime. :)
Webmaster (Karl Matthias) wrote:
I'm seeing some NFS errors on build like "build kernel: nfsacl: RPC call
returned error 22". Looks like RPC calls for ACLs are failing on
occasion and that might be what's going on. At least it makes some
sense given what's happening. I don't recall seeing these before, but I
need to bounce this off of Denis who has spent more time on this stuff
than I have to see what he thinks. They look like they've only been
happening in the last couple of weeks. He's in on Monday, so unless you
think this is urgent then I'll wait to then to ping him first.
Martin Taal wrote:
The cp was from my home dir to the update site dir. However, the unzip
I did was from within this directory to this directory itself. I did
not even mention that before I tried this unzip action I tried to copy
the whole interim directory to an interim_orig directory (as backup)
in /home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates/
and I got this same Invalid argument exception.
So my guess is that there is something wrong with
/home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates and not
with the home directories necessarily.
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
That's seriously foo'd up. I've never seen linux behave where if you
try the same thing twice it fails, then works on the second try.
I expect that behaviour from Windows, or p2, but Linux? Yikes. What's
the world coming to? :P
p2 has this on-again-off-again problem because of out of date or
hard-to-ping mirrors, so sometimes an install fails, sometimes it
works (using the same input). I just had this happen to me today
trying to install something that depends on a feature that was only
added to the BIRT 2.5 update site about less than a day ago.
So... could this filesystem problem be related to network access
snafus between mtaal's home dir (or mine, we tried building as nickb
too) and /home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org, both ostensibly on
build.eclipse.org but in reality on different disks in different
physical places?
Martin Taal wrote:
I tried some things directly on build.eclipse.org in the
First I tried to copy a zip file (with the update site) to the above
update site directory. The first try fails with the invalid argument
exception, when I try it again with the exact same argument it works
out fine:
cp ~/emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip .
cp: cannot create regular file
`./emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip': Invalid argument
cp ~/emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip .
then I did unzip of this zip file in the same directory and I get
these errors (truncated for this email, see the attachment for the
full list):
unzip emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip
Archive: emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip
replace header.interim.site.xml? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one,
[r]ename: A
error: cannot create header.interim.site.xml
error: cannot create buildUpdateSiteXML.sh
error: cannot create buildUpdateSiteDigest.sh
error: cannot create buildUpdateSiteMetadata.sh
error: cannot create jarlist.clean.modeling.eclipse.org.txt
I am not sure what's wrong but it does not feel right.... Also that
I needed two cp actions before I could copy the zip file.
gr. Martin
Webmaster (Karl Matthias) wrote:
Hi Guys,
That POSIX ACL looks fine to me... are you sure you're
experiencing a file permissions error?
Martin Taal wrote:
Hi Nick,
I mean build.eclipse.org.
Yes maybe... but to be honest I don't understand what this facl
things mean...
Also Patrick has the same problems and promoting under your user
did not work either.
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
The folder
on dev.eclipse.org (or build.eclipse.org, same thing(?)) says
that the files are mostly owned by group modeling.emf.website;
you're in that group. The only files I see which aren't in that
group (and group-writable) are owned by mtaal:common..
So maybe it's an ACL problem?
$ getfacl
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file:
# owner: nickb
# group: modeling.emf.website
Martin Taal wrote:
Hi Nick
I did that, see the buildUpdateSite2.sh and buildUpdateSite3.sh
My conclusion it fails in this step:
unzip -uo -qq ~/${siteLabel}-${buildID}.zip;
In the script see the pushd statement just before, afaik that
causes the unzip to take place in the update site directory. And
there it fails! Looking at the update site directory the
permissions look strange also.
I managed to get the zip file to my home directory on
Then I have this script (see the modeling/script directory on
modeling.eclipse.org and then the buildUpdateSite3.sh):
ssh mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
echo -e 'Unzipping';
unzip -uo -qq ~/emf-teneo-1.1-M-M200907090216.zip
this one fails.
Can you check/see what is wrong with the update site directory
permissions on build.eclipse.org?
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
check buildUpdateSite.sh - match console output to echo "..."
Martin Taal wrote:
We are in the same boat :-), with you as a user it also fails:
As the error shows the complete contents of the zip I assume
that the zip file is there and correct...
So I would think the error is with the target location. Does
the unpack use a specific target directory? Or does it unpack
in the home directory of the user?
Where is this unpack command? I could not find it in
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
sure, you can switch "mtaal" for "nickb" in your _common.php
Martin Taal wrote:
Hi Nick,
And is it possible to promote under another user (you! for
example)? Just for this and maybe one other build before
moving on to the new build system.
gr. Martin
Martin Taal wrote:
damn same result... I am at a total loss. Well going to
sleep now, tomorrow is another day...
Thanks for your help Nick, ofcourse if you get an idea
while I am sleeping and you are awake then let me know!
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
cd /var/www/html/modeling/emf; sudo su; chown -R
apache:www *; chmod -R g+w *
Done. Try again?
Martin Taal wrote:
I tried but there is no time to press ctrl-c between the
upload and the remove of the temp files....
In addition it seems that ctrl-c does not work (it looks
like a forked process or something).
One thing which I find strange that in the directory:
I see permissions for apache www and mtaal users.
Everyone has apache www except the teneo ones I have been
trying out. Can this be a symptom of a problem?
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
yeah, you can run promoteToEclipse.sh via commandline
and hit CTRL-C
while it's running. :)
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Martin
Taal<mtaal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I saw in the log that there is a remove step of
temporary zips etc. Can this
remove be disabled? To see which files are really there.
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
So... you scp a file to mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's home
dir, then ssh
in to unpack it and the unpacking fails to create files.
I tried ssh'ing in by hand as you and touching files
in your home dir
and the target dir and it worked fine.
Wierder is that this has worked for months
untouched... until now.
Has anything changed in your .bashrc on
build.eclipse.org? Did the
reboot a couple weeks ago break anything, like umask
settings, default
group, or has the filesystem changed so that "~" isn't
resolving to your home dir when pushed up as
Do we know for sure that that temporary zip is even
being produced on
modeling.eclipse? Could there be a failure higher up
in the build
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Martin
Taal<mtaal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here it is:
My guess is that moving to Athena will be a few weeks
work for me. The
time I did major things regarding builds was in
February (getting a
eclipselink feature). That took me about a month
throughput time. So I am
not at all optimistic about the time it takes to
accomplish that....
So as these builds are done and solve some issues it
would be nice to get
them out of the way and then move to the new build
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
Try it again.
The line in the log with "Promote zip to
has been changed to "Promote zip to
which will give us a clue as to whose account is
being used, and where
zip is created.
I wonder if the problem is nfs write lag? In theory
using your home dir
build.eclipse should be fine, but maybe there's a
write delay between
uploading the zip (scp or rsync) and it being
available when we ssh in a
seconds later to unpack it & run the script to
generate the metadata.
We used to have this problem when we used
download1.eclipse.org because
you never knew which node you'd get with each
connection and it could
up to 30 mins for the uploaded file to be available
on all nodes. But
the increased space on build.eclipse, I thought we
were past this
Of course if you switch to the Athena build then you
run on
and publishing is a simple copy (no ssh connection
required)... if
persist, that'd be the way to go IMHO.
Martin Taal wrote:
Hi Nick,
Thanks, the promote gets further but I still see
errors around the
of the interim site:
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
File and dir permissions were incorrect.
You can now
$ W bash
$ ssh mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
without a password prompt; try your promote again.
Martin Taal wrote:
Hi Nick,
The build on modeling.eclipse.org went fine.
However with promote I
a permission denied exception:
I can ssh from modeling to build, to dev and to
download1 without
logging in. I can also ssh as the webuser to build:
W ssh mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I updated the promote properties from cvs also.
So I am not sure what the remaining permission
issue can be.
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
Fwiw, build.eclipse.org is a real 4-core ppc box
with lots of ram
nfs-mounted disc space.
If youy want to move there, Athena does
everything the old Modeling
system does except galileo .build file
generation (coming soon) and
javadoc generation in the doc plugin (waiting
for someone to
rearchitect the crap we have now). You'd also
get your own update
instead of being merged w/ EMF.
Something to consider.
On 7/8/09, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's a virtual server, so I'm not sure. 'cat
/proc/meminfo' should
tell you, iirc.
On 7/8/09, Martin Taal <mtaal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Nick,
Thanks I am building right now on that server.
One question, it
that this server has again (only) 512mb. Is
that really true?
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
ssh login for modeling.eclipse: use u: mtaal,
p: mtaal1 (please
it once you're in using `passwd`)
for build page, use u: emf-build, p: emf$YAll
migration steps are here:
Martin Taal wrote:
Yes I did try:
and that worked fine (no password needed)
Can you forward your note again?
what is the login/password for
I don't remember the pwd for
emft.eclipse.org anymore.....
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
Close... But you should be connecing as
mtaal@build.eclipse, I
Have you looked at building on
modeling.eclipse instead of
Emft goes off the air next week... Did you
see my note about
On 7/8/09, Martin Taal <mtaal@xxxxxxxxx>
ssh mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx works fine
when doing:
W ssh apache@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or
ssh www-data@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
then I need to enter a password for both.
Is this what you mean?
gr. Martin
Nick Boldt wrote:
Check that you and www-data@ or apache@
can ssh to
and that you have write permission once
On 7/8/09, Martin Taal <mtaal@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Nick,
It seems that Teneo maintenance builds
are not published on
sites. Can you see what is wrong?
Here is the promolog (which contains
several errors):
With Regards, Martin Taal
Office: Hardwareweg 4, 3821 BV Amersfoort
Postal: Nassaulaan 7, 3941 EC Doorn
The Netherlands
Cell: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
Tel: +31 (0)84 420 2397
Fax: +31 (0)84 225 9307
Mail: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
Web: www.springsite.com - www.elver.org
With Regards, Martin Taal
Office: Hardwareweg 4, 3821 BV Amersfoort
Postal: Nassaulaan 7, 3941 EC Doorn
The Netherlands
Cell: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
Tel: +31 (0)84 420 2397
Fax: +31 (0)84 225 9307
Mail: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - mtaal@xxxxxxxxx
Web: www.springsite.com - www.elver.org
With Regards, Martin Taal
Office: Hardwareweg 4, 3821 BV Amersfoort
Postal: Nassaulaan 7, 3941 EC Doorn
The Netherlands
Cell: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
Tel: +31 (0)84 420 2397
Fax: +31 (0)84 225 9307
Mail: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - mtaal@xxxxxxxxx
Web: www.springsite.com - www.elver.org
Sent from my mobile device
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Release Engineer :: Dash Athena
With Regards, Martin Taal
Office: Hardwareweg 4, 3821 BV Amersfoort
Postal: Nassaulaan 7, 3941 EC Doorn
The Netherlands
Cell: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
Tel: +31 (0)84 420 2397
Fax: +31 (0)84 225 9307
Mail: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - mtaal@xxxxxxxxx
Web: www.springsite.com - www.elver.org
With Regards, Martin Taal
Office: Hardwareweg 4, 3821 BV Amersfoort
Postal: Nassaulaan 7, 3941 EC Doorn
The Netherlands
Cell: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
Tel: +31 (0)84 420 2397
Fax: +31 (0)84 225 9307
Mail: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - mtaal@xxxxxxxxx
Web: www.springsite.com - www.elver.org
Nick Boldt :: http://nick.divbyzero.com
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
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