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[emfcompare-build] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: master-q7-nightly » collaborative-modeling #189

See <>


[Laurent Goubet] [456796] Cascading filter shouldn't hide move differences

[Laurent Goubet] [436050] Fix copy all does nothing

[Laurent Goubet] Change feature names to more descriptive ones

[Axel RICHARD] [UI] Update q7 tests

[...truncated 30 lines...]
[INFO] Detected Maven 3 installation version: 3.0.5
[collaborative-modeling] $ /shared/common/apache-maven-3.0.5/bin/mvn clean verify -V -B -e -DPLATFORM=collaborative-modeling -Dmaven.ext.class.path=/home/hudson/genie.modeling.emfcompare/.hudson/maven/slavebundle/resources:/home/hudson/genie.modeling.emfcompare/.hudson/maven/slavebundle/lib/maven3-eventspy-3.0.jar:/home/hudson/genie.modeling.emfcompare/.hudson/war/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/hudson-remoting-3.0.0.jar -Dhudson.eventspy.port=58394 -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -f plugins/ -P collaborative-modeling -fae
[DEBUG] Waiting for connection on port: 58394
Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19 08:51:28-0500)
Maven home: /shared/common/apache-maven-3.0.5
Java version: 1.7.0_51, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /opt/public/common/jdk1.7.0_51/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "3.0.101-0.46-default", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[DEBUG] Connected to remote
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean (default-clean) @ ---
[INFO] Deleting /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (AUT Generation) @ ---
Unzipping p2-admin-1.1.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz
Unzipping Collaborative-Modeling-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
Renaming Collaborative-Modeling-linux-gtk-x86_64 to eclipse
Provisioning AUT
[INFO] --- q7-maven-plugin:1.3.14:resources (default-resources) @ ---
[INFO] Resolving artifact com.xored.q7:q7runner:zip:1.5.3, this may take a while ...
[INFO] Artifact com.xored.q7:q7runner:zip:1.5.3 is resolved to <>
[INFO] Using AUT from /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/
[INFO] Extracting Q7 runner to /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/
[INFO] Copying project contents to target directory...
[INFO] --- q7-maven-plugin:1.3.14:execute (default-execute) @ ---
[INFO] Q7 command line is /bin/sh -c cd /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ && /opt/public/common/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Dcom.xored.q7.runner.returnTestFailure=true -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -application com.xored.q7.runner.headless -data /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -aut /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -autWsPrefix /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -autConsolePrefix /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -q7report /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -htmlReport /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -junitReport /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -import /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ -licenseFile /opt/public/hipp/homes/genie.modeling.emfcompare/com.xored.q7.runner.l9 -testOptions 'execTimeout=3600;testExecTimeout=300' -shutdownListenerPort 9508 -suites TestSuite.Full
[INFO] The execution timeout is set to 3600 seconds
[INFO] Started at Mon Feb 09 12:26:07 EST 2015
[INFO] Q7 Runner version: 1.5.3
[INFO] Invalid argument:-licenseFile
[INFO] Invalid argument:/opt/public/hipp/homes/genie.modeling.emfcompare/com.xored.q7.runner.l9
[INFO] Initializing target platform...
[INFO] Validating target platform...
[INFO] Target platform is valid.
[INFO] Looking for tests...
[INFO] Existing projects in workspace:
[INFO]     <none>
[INFO] Importing projects to workspace:
[INFO] Refreshing projects:
[INFO]     /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ OK
[INFO] Refreshing projects:
[INFO] Searching for tests in projects:
[INFO] Complete OK
[INFO] Verifying licenses...
[INFO] Testcase Artifacts:123
[INFO] AUT-0:Launching
[INFO] AUT-0:Product: org.eclipse.sdk.ide
[INFO] AUT-0:Application: org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench
[INFO] AUT-0:Architecture: x86_64
[INFO] 64bit arch is selected because AUT uses launcher library
[INFO] 	"plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20150127-1814" specified in config file: eclipse.ini
[INFO] /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ AUT arguments: -os ${target.os} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${} -consoleLog
[INFO] /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ AUT VM arguments: -Xms40m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
[INFO] Pass 1 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 2:59, 120:19 mins remaining. ts001_tc001_2-way_comparison. time: 177818ms 
[INFO] Pass 2 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 3:28, 104:00 mins remaining. ts001_tc002_2-way_synchro_smv_cmv. time: 28605ms 
[INFO] Pass 3 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 3:36, 85:40 mins remaining. ts001_tc003_2-way_textual_attribute_comparison. time: 7778ms 
[INFO] Pass 4 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 3:46, 74:04 mins remaining. ts001_tc004_2-way_next_difference. time: 9109ms 
[INFO] Pass 5 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 3:56, 65:44 mins remaining. ts001_tc005_2-way_compare_with_eobject_in_dialog. time: 10283ms 
[INFO] Pass 6 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:03, 58:43 mins remaining. ts001_tc006_2-way_compare_with_eobject_in_editor. time: 6611ms 
[INFO] Pass 7 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:11, 53:27 mins remaining. ts001_tc007_2-way_resource_attachment_change_uml. time: 6917ms 
[INFO] Pass 8 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:20, 49:24 mins remaining. ts001_tc008_2-way_resource_attachment_change_multiple_uml. time: 8237ms 
[INFO] Pass 9 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:31, 46:23 mins remaining. ts001_tc009_2-way_save_comparison_model. time: 10911ms 
[INFO] Pass 10 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:39, 43:24 mins remaining. ts001_tc010_2-way_opaque_action_body_change. time: 7449ms 
[INFO] Pass 11 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:50, 41:16 mins remaining. ts001_tc011_2-way_opaque_action_body_change_and_move. time: 10748ms 
[INFO] Pass 12 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 4:58, 39:01 mins remaining. ts002_tc001_3-way_comparison. time: 6790ms 
[INFO] Pass 13 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:08, 37:18 mins remaining. ts002_tc002_3-way_resource_attachment_change_multiple_uml. time: 9736ms 
[INFO] Pass 14 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:17, 35:39 mins remaining. ts002_tc003_3-way_show_ancestor_pane. time: 9134ms 
[INFO] Pass 15 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:29, 34:30 mins remaining. ts002_tc004_3-way_save_comparison_model. time: 11340ms 
[INFO] Pass 16 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:37, 33:04 mins remaining. ts002_tc005_3-way_real_add_conflict. time: 7561ms 
[INFO] Pass 17 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:45, 31:46 mins remaining. ts002_tc006_3-way_real_add_conflict_2. time: 7571ms 
[INFO] Pass 18 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 5:53, 30:35 mins remaining. ts002_tc007_3-way_real_add_conflict_3. time: 7810ms 
[INFO] Pass 19 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:05, 29:50 mins remaining. ts002_tc008_3-way_opaque_action_body_change_conflict. time: 10808ms 
[INFO] Pass 20 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:13, 28:49 mins remaining. ts003_tc001_filter_identical_elements_cmv. time: 7531ms 
[INFO] Pass 21 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:21, 27:53 mins remaining. ts003_tc002_filter_pseudo_elements_cmv. time: 8284ms 
[INFO] Pass 22 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:31, 27:09 mins remaining. ts003_tc003_filter_cascading_differences_cmv. time: 9339ms 
[INFO] Pass 23 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:39, 26:20 mins remaining. ts003_tc004_filter_uml_refined_elements_cmv. time: 7766ms 
[INFO] Pass 24 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:47, 25:34 mins remaining. ts003_tc005_filter_empty_resource_mappings. time: 7037ms 
[INFO] Pass 25 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 6:54, 24:47 mins remaining. ts003_tc006_filter_identical_elements. time: 6537ms 
[INFO] Pass 26 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 7:23, 25:18 mins remaining. ts003_tc007_filter_pseudo_elements. time: 28347ms 
[INFO] Pass 27 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 7:52, 25:46 mins remaining. ts003_tc009_filter_cascading_differences. time: 11931ms 
[INFO] Pass 28 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 8:03, 25:13 mins remaining. ts003_tc010_filter_uml_refined_elements. time: 9220ms 
[INFO] Pass 29 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 8:29, 25:26 mins remaining. ts003_tc011_filter_uml_refined_elements_check_order. time: 25062ms 
[INFO] Pass 30 (123) processed. 0 failed. spent: 8:41, 24:57 mins remaining. ts003_tc012_not_reseting_filter_after_save. time: 12101ms 
[INFO] Fail 31 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 13:13, 36:26 mins remaining. ts003_tc013_filter_cascading_differences_move. time: 271350ms  Cause: Execution failed
[INFO] Pass 32 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 13:29, 35:41 mins remaining. ts004_tc001_group_3-way_comparison. time: 15081ms 
[INFO] Pass 33 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 13:37, 34:37 mins remaining. ts004_tc002_group_by_kind. time: 7525ms 
[INFO] Pass 34 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 13:50, 33:48 mins remaining. ts004_tc003_group_by_kind_categories_order. time: 12569ms 
[INFO] Pass 35 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:02, 32:59 mins remaining. ts004_tc004_trees_under_groups. time: 11268ms 
[INFO] Pass 36 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:12, 32:08 mins remaining. ts004_tc005_by_side_conflicts. time: 9646ms 
[INFO] Pass 37 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:20, 31:14 mins remaining. ts004_tc006_not_reseting_group_after_save. time: 7755ms 
[INFO] Pass 38 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:29, 30:24 mins remaining. ts004_tc007_group_item_double_click. time: 7683ms 
[INFO] Pass 39 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:43, 29:47 mins remaining. ts005_tc001_compare_with_commit. time: 13295ms 
[INFO] Pass 40 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 14:56, 29:09 mins remaining. ts005_tc002_compare_with_previous_revision. time: 12744ms 
[INFO] Pass 41 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 15:14, 28:41 mins remaining. ts005_tc003_git_repositories_compare_with_head. time: 17086ms 
[INFO] Pass 42 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 15:30, 28:10 mins remaining. ts005_tc004_compare_with_version_in_ancestor. time: 14910ms 
[INFO] Pass 43 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 15:47, 27:42 mins remaining. ts005_tc005_commit_viewer_compare_with_version_in_ancestor. time: 16553ms 
[INFO] Pass 44 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 16:08, 27:21 mins remaining. ts005_tc006_compare_with_head_revision. time: 19823ms 
[INFO] Pass 45 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 16:27, 26:57 mins remaining. ts005_tc007_compare_with_branch_master. time: 18477ms 
[INFO] Pass 46 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 16:48, 26:36 mins remaining. ts005_tc008_compare_with_reference. time: 19497ms 
[INFO] Pass 47 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 17:07, 26:11 mins remaining. ts005_tc009_compare_with_git_index. time: 18602ms 
[INFO] Pass 48 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 17:28, 25:51 mins remaining. ts005_tc010_replace_with_local_history. time: 19854ms 
[INFO] Pass 49 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 18:10, 26:00 mins remaining. ts005_tc011_compare_with_working_tree. time: 19745ms 
[INFO] Pass 50 (123) processed. 1 failed. spent: 18:29, 25:35 mins remaining. ts005_tc012_compare_with_working_directory. time: 17876ms 
[INFO] Fail 51 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 21:56, 29:22 mins remaining. ts005_tc013_save_emfdiff_disable. time: 199748ms  Cause: Execution failed
[INFO] Pass 52 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 22:08, 28:41 mins remaining. ts005_tc014_compare_with_commit_from_editor. time: 10888ms 
[INFO] Pass 53 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 22:22, 28:03 mins remaining. ts005_tc015_compare_with_previous_revision_from_editor. time: 12679ms 
[INFO] Pass 54 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 23:27, 28:28 mins remaining. ts005_tc016_compare_with_head_revision_from_editor. time: 63979ms 
[INFO] Pass 55 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 25:08, 29:32 mins remaining. ts005_tc017_compare_with_git_index_from_editor. time: 100594ms 
[INFO] Pass 56 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 25:28, 28:58 mins remaining. ts005_tc018_compare_with_branch_master_from_editor. time: 18560ms 
[INFO] Pass 57 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 25:48, 28:25 mins remaining. ts005_tc019_commit_viewer_compare_with_workspace. time: 18998ms 
[INFO] Pass 58 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 26:13, 27:57 mins remaining. ts005_tc020_merge_branch1_into_master. time: 24202ms 
[INFO] Pass 59 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 26:22, 27:13 mins remaining. ts006_tc001_change_in_fragment_only. time: 8593ms 
[INFO] Pass 60 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 26:30, 26:30 mins remaining. ts006_tc002_change_in_fragment_only_2. time: 7865ms 
[INFO] Pass 61 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 26:37, 25:46 mins remaining. ts006_tc003_controlled_resource_attachment_change_uml. time: 6320ms 
[INFO] Pass 62 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 26:56, 25:15 mins remaining. ts007_tc001_merge_attribute_name_changed. time: 19246ms 
[INFO] Pass 63 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 27:06, 25:24 mins remaining. ts007_tc002_merge_reference_add. time: 9330ms 
[INFO] Pass 64 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 27:55, 24:31 mins remaining. ts007_tc003_merge_reference_add_select_next_diff. time: 31135ms 
[INFO] Pass 65 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:06, 23:54 mins remaining. ts007_tc004_merge_required. time: 9975ms 
[INFO] Pass 66 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:13, 23:14 mins remaining. ts007_tc005_merge_opposite_subdiff_filter. time: 7313ms 
[INFO] Pass 67 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:21, 22:35 mins remaining. ts007_tc006_merge_from_contextual_menu. time: 7393ms 
[INFO] Pass 68 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:31, 21:59 mins remaining. ts008_tc001_move_under_rac. time: 9607ms 
[INFO] Pass 69 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:44, 21:26 mins remaining. ts008_tc002_rac. time: 12341ms 
[INFO] Pass 70 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 28:54, 20:52 mins remaining. ts008_tc003_rac_left_fragment. time: 8992ms 
[INFO] Pass 71 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 29:08, 20:21 mins remaining. ts008_tc004_rac_right_fragment. time: 10462ms 
[INFO] Pass 72 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 29:17, 19:47 mins remaining. ts009_tc001_logicalmodel_with_fragments. time: 7501ms 
[INFO] Pass 73 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 29:21, 19:10 mins remaining. ts009_tc003_logicalmodel_view. time: 4286ms 
[INFO] Pass 74 (123) processed. 2 failed. spent: 29:30, 18:37 mins remaining. ts009_tc004_logicalmodel_view_synchro_selection. time: 7903ms 
[INFO] Fail 75 (123) processed. 3 failed. spent: 30:09, 18:24 mins remaining. ts009_tc005_logicalmodel_view_synchro_editor. time: 38989ms  Cause: Connection reset
[INFO] Fail 76 (123) processed. 4 failed. spent: 30:21, 17:53 mins remaining. ts009_tc006_logicalmodel_view_tree_presentation. time: 10761ms  Cause: Failed to execute context: DefaultWorkbenchContext Cause: 
[INFO] Fail 77 (123) processed. 5 failed. spent: 30:23, 17:18 mins remaining. ts010_tc100_3-way_conflicts. time: 2105ms  Cause: Failed to execute context: DefaultWorkbenchContext Cause: 
[INFO] Fail 78 (123) processed. 6 failed. spent: 30:26, 16:44 mins remaining. ts010_tc101_3-way_conflicts. time: 2089ms  Cause: Failed to execute context: DefaultWorkbenchContext Cause: 
[INFO] Fail 79 (123) processed. 7 failed. spent: 32:31, 17:15 mins remaining. ts010_tc102_3-way_conflicts. time: 123670ms  Cause: Failed to execute context: DefaultWorkbenchContext Cause: 
[INFO] Fail 80 (123) processed. 8 failed. spent: 37:36, 19:15 mins remaining. ts010_tc103_3-way_localAndRemoteChanges. time: 300010ms  Cause: Execution is canceled by timeout: 300000
[INFO] Possible AUT hang detected, 2 tests are failed because of timeout. Restarting AUT.
[INFO] Fail 81 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 46:01, 23:34 mins remaining. ts010_tc104_3-way_localAndRemoteChanges. time: 499907ms  Cause: Execution failed
[INFO] AUT-0:Restarting (restartId=1)
[INFO] AUT-0:Product: org.eclipse.sdk.ide
[INFO] AUT-0:Application: org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench
[INFO] AUT-0:Architecture: x86_64
[INFO] 64bit arch is selected because AUT uses launcher library
[INFO] 	"plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20150127-1814" specified in config file: eclipse.ini
[INFO] /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ AUT arguments: -os ${target.os} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${} -consoleLog
[INFO] /jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/master-q7-nightly/workspace/PLATFORM/collaborative-modeling/plugins/ AUT VM arguments: -Xms40m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
[INFO] Pass 82 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 52:12, 24:51 mins remaining. ts010_tc105_3-way_positionPhantomsForLists. time: 27758ms 
[INFO] Pass 83 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 52:23, 24:02 mins remaining. ts010_tc106_2-way_lookChangeForEdge. time: 11053ms 
[INFO] Pass 84 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 52:40, 23:16 mins remaining. ts010_tc107_3-way_addEdgeBetweenMovedNodes. time: 14120ms 
[INFO] Pass 85 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 52:55, 22:30 mins remaining. ts010_tc108_3-way_addListNodeInMovedContainer. time: 13629ms 
[INFO] Pass 86 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 53:12, 21:45 mins remaining. ts010_tc109_3-way_addEdgeBetweenMovedAndAddedNodes. time: 15084ms 
[INFO] Pass 87 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 53:29, 21:01 mins remaining. ts011_tc001_localhistory_workspace_compare_with. time: 16775ms 
[INFO] Pass 88 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 53:41, 20:16 mins remaining. ts011_tc002_localhistory_workspace_replace_with. time: 11397ms 
[INFO] Pass 89 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 53:52, 19:32 mins remaining. ts011_tc003_localhistory_editor_compare_with. time: 10351ms 
[INFO] Pass 90 (123) processed. 9 failed. spent: 54:04, 18:48 mins remaining. ts011_tc004_localhistory_editor_replace_with. time: 11175ms 
[INFO] Fail 91 (123) processed. 10 failed. spent: 54:16, 18:05 mins remaining. ts015_tc001_properties_view_tree_viewer. time: 11354ms  Cause: The View "Properties" could not be found.
[INFO] Fail 92 (123) processed. 11 failed. spent: 54:30, 17:23 mins remaining. ts015_tc002_properties_view_table_viewer. time: 11541ms  Cause: The View "Properties" could not be found.
[INFO] Fail 93 (123) processed. 12 failed. spent: 54:42, 16:41 mins remaining. ts015_tc003_properties_view_text_viewer. time: 11485ms  Cause: The View "Properties" could not be found.
[INFO] Fail 94 (123) processed. 13 failed. spent: 55:01, 16:02 mins remaining. ts015_tc004_properties_view_egit. time: 18451ms  Cause: The View "Properties" could not be found.
[INFO] Fail 95 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 55:14, 15:22 mins remaining. ts015_tc005_properties_view_edit. time: 12032ms  Cause: The View "Properties" could not be found.
[INFO] Pass 96 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 55:21, 14:41 mins remaining. ts016_tc001_engines_preference_page_no_preference. time: 6745ms 
[INFO] Pass 97 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 55:36, 14:02 mins remaining. ts016_tc002_match_engine_configuration_when_available. time: 14424ms 
[INFO] Pass 98 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 55:51, 13:24 mins remaining. ts016_tc003_match_engine_configuration_only. time: 14739ms 
[INFO] Pass 99 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:06, 12:46 mins remaining. ts016_tc004_match_engine_configuration_never. time: 14105ms 
[INFO] Pass 100 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:11, 12:07 mins remaining. ts016_tc005_match_engine_configuration_reset_to_default. time: 4793ms 
[INFO] Pass 101 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:15, 11:28 mins remaining. ts016_tc006_editor_preference_page. time: 3655ms 
[INFO] Pass 102 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:25, 10:50 mins remaining. ts016_tc007_resolution_strategy_preference_page_default. time: 9869ms 
[INFO] Pass 103 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:36, 10:14 mins remaining. ts016_tc008_resolution_strategy_preference_page_project_resolution. time: 9013ms 
[INFO] Pass 104 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:46, 9:38 mins remaining. ts016_tc009_resolution_strategy_disable_model_resolving. time: 9517ms 
[INFO] Pass 105 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 56:50, 9:01 mins remaining. ts016_tc010_resolution_strategy_restore_default. time: 3800ms 
[INFO] Pass 106 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 57:04, 8:27 mins remaining. ts016_tc011_groups_preference_page_no_preference. time: 13320ms 
[INFO] Pass 107 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 57:18, 7:53 mins remaining. ts016_tc012_groups_preference_page_set_defaut_group. time: 13416ms 
[INFO] Pass 108 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 57:27, 7:18 mins remaining. ts016_tc013_groups_popup_set_default_group_2way. time: 8394ms 
[INFO] Pass 109 (123) processed. 14 failed. spent: 57:38, 6:44 mins remaining. ts016_tc014_groups_popup_set_default_group_3way. time: 9646ms 
Process 1423502679152 is killed.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:11:28.046s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 09 13:24:39 EST 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 30M/1932M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - Build failed with exception(s)
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - [1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.xored.q7:q7-maven-plugin:1.3.14:execute (default-execute) on project Failed to launch Q7
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.xored.q7:q7-maven-plugin:1.3.14:execute (default-execute) on project Failed to launch Q7: Error while executing external command, process killed. Process timeout out after 3600 seconds -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.xored.q7:q7-maven-plugin:1.3.14:execute (default-execute) on project Failed to launch Q7
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.singleThreadedBuild(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Failed to launch Q7
	at com.xored.q7.maven.ExecuteMojo.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	... 19 more
Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineTimeOutException: Error while executing external command, process killed.
	at org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(
	at org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(
	at com.xored.q7.maven.ExecuteMojo.execute(
	... 21 more
Caused by: java.lang.InterruptedException: Process timeout out after 3600 seconds
	at org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(
	... 23 more
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[INFO] Process terminated. Send shutdown request to Q7 runner.
[DEBUG] Waiting for process to finish
[DEBUG] Result: 1
Terminating xvnc.
Recording test results

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