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  • Re: [emf-dev] New Compare Component for EMFT/EMF, (continued)
  • [emf-dev] Re: [modeling-pmc] Re: How to Mange Modeling Subprojects, Ed Merks
  • [emf-dev] How to Mange Modeling Subprojects, Ed Merks
  • [emf-dev] Understanding Eclipse modelling framework........., Ajay Kumar
  • [emf-dev] Eclipse Corner Article proposal that needs input from EMF/WTP, Wayne Beaton
  • [emf-dev] Eclipse Corner Article requires input from EMF project, Wayne Beaton
  • [emf-dev] EMF-focused article proposal on Eclipse Corner that needs your input, Wayne Beaton
  • [emf-dev] Re: EMF Compare proposal, Ed Merks
  • [emf-dev] ECORE graphical editor, GAUFILLET Pierre
  • [emf-dev] emf2mof, maddeh mohamed
  • [emf-dev] emf2mof URGENT, maddeh mohamed
  • [emf-dev] [Announcement], Antoine Toulme
  • [emf-dev] EMF Plug-in Versioning and Reexported Dependencies, Dave Steinberg
  • [emf-dev] Europa and EMF 3.0, Ed Merks
  • [emf-dev] Streaming Object & List, Yang ZHONG
  • [emf-dev] deserializing partial xml document into eobject, Donald Averill
  • [emf-dev] Need help for Own Tool development, Saqib Nasir
  • [emf-dev] Re: Feature 'href' not found, Ed Merks
  • [emf-dev] [Fwd: Re: JET template skeleton not found on Windows XP], Ryan Boder
  • [emf-dev] Generate ecore model with "_" in type name, Christopher Jaun
  • [emf-dev] models and metamodels, Nenad Krdzavac
  • [emf-dev] ChangeRecorder behavior for reading accesses, sducas
  • [emf-dev] UML diagrams and Ecore, victoria beltran
  • [emf-dev] Ruo Bo Huang/China/IBM is out of the office., Ruo Bo Huang
  • [emf-dev] How to contribute features to JET ?, M C
  • [emf-dev] Ella Belisario/Toronto/IBM is out of the office., Ella Belisario
  • [emf-dev] Import Rose Model, Carlos Suárez Álvarez
  • [emf-dev] Several Schemas in WSDL file, Francisco Sanchez Cid
  • [emf-dev] Does EMF support JOIN of several models?, Ivy Liu
  • [emf-dev] SDO and xml, Gayatri Nallanda
  • [emf-dev] Anil Ambati/Raleigh/IBM is out of the office., Anil Ambati
  • [emf-dev] Transforming Artifacts from One EPackage Version to Another, Chris McGee
  • [emf-dev] Cross Document Reference Question, saddala
  • [emf-dev] What are the plug-in's needed for Eclipse with Rational XDE, Ravi Kumar
  • [emf-dev] Why no xmi:id when writing to XMI?, Xiang Li
  • [emf-dev] serialization and persistence of EMF objects, Ughetti Marco
  • [emf-dev] Feature Not Found Exception While loading XMI resource, Sandeep Kumar (RBIN/EDM1) *
  • [emf-dev] Generating EMF from XSD Error, Rajesh Jain
  • [emf-dev] How can I convert the model instances to XML?, Sergio S
  • [emf-dev] resolving references to XMI file located in a plug in, Carolyn Duby
  • [emf-dev] Re: Hi, Codeslave
  • [emf-dev] loading from XMLSchema, Zulfi Umrani
  • [emf-dev] Re: Hello, Codeslave
  • [emf-dev] Re: Thanks :), Codeslave

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