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Re: [emf-dev] Publishing to Maven Central

Hi Ed,

from my understanding there is just one step that must be handled by each "project":
create and use an account (matching a maven groupId) at OSSRH.
(Granularity can be decided within each top-level project,
 even one huge group org.eclipse.modelling would be possible)

Other than that I agree, I just want to conquer one level at the time, s.t. like:

1. Get Eclipse SDK Neon.2 published soon

2. Get this automated as much as possible

3. "Invite" others to join (opt-in/opt-out is not for me to decide).

Still a few yards towards (1), but getting closer. 
Good to know there will be allies for the subsequent levels..


----- ursprüngliche Nachricht ---------

Subject: Re: [emf-dev] Publishing to Maven Central
Date: Fr 16 Dez 2016 10:58:32 CET
From: Ed Willink<ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Eclipse Modelling Framework<emf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


I disagree. EMF is just the first on a slippery slope of all modeling artefacts.

IMHO, there should be a standard EF facility closely related to the SimRel aggregator that automatically publishes all SimRel contributions, other than those that opt out, either because they have traditional practices that they wish to continue using, or because they really should not be published.


        Ed Willink

On 16/12/2016 08:33, LE FEVRE FRANCOIS wrote:


Thanks for the publication of EMF artifacts to Eclipse Nexus.


I have two remarks:

1.       Automatic

a.       I think it is preferable to have a continuous integration and a job dedicated to publish EMF artifacts in a snapshot and release nexus repositories.

2.       One repo for Eclipse train

a.       Do you think it could be possible at term that Eclipse plugins that are part of the release train could publish all artifacts in a shared nexus repository avoiding to reference multiple nexus repositories?


Point 1 is the more critic for me.

Perhaps we could create a vote/bugzilla on it?

+1, for me





De : emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Martin Taal
Envoyé : vendredi 16 décembre 2016 09:28
À : Dennis Hübner <dennis.huebner@xxxxxxxxx>; Eclipse Modelling Framework <emf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [emf-dev] Publishing to Maven Central



Indeed as Dennis mentions I publish EMF artifacts on request. I use a partial automated script for this. I am happy to continue doing this and normally I should be able to do it within a couple of days of someone asking it. 


I can imagine that it can make sense to make this part of an automated build step at some point. Until then no problem for me to continue with it.


I will publish the EMF artifacts for neon.2 the upcoming days (this weekend) to get you going.


Let me know ofcourse if anyone has any comments on this.


gr. Martin



On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 9:17 AM Dennis Hübner <dennis.huebner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Am 15.12.2016 um 21:41 schrieb Stephan Herrmann <stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi EMF :)

Hello Stephan,

I’m not EMF, but I will try to answer :)

> In I'm working on publishing all
> artifacts of the Eclipse Project to Maven Central.
> Initially, I naively thought, that this would comprise *everything*
> in the release repo of the Eclipse Project.
> Only later it dawned on me that artifacts from other projects
> are involved, too, notably: EMF :)
> Since we can only publish stuff where all dependencies already
> exist on Maven Central, and given that we are targeting to publish
> Neon.2 for which naturally no EMF artifacts are yet available
> on Maven Central here my questions:
>  Does EMF routinely publish all artifacts to Central?

No. We never had a target to feed the maven repository with our excellent framework. But
this may change in the future. The only guy behind existing EMF maven artifacts is Martin Taal.

>  When may we expect Neon.2 artifacts to be available?
If one asks Martin and he has time.

>  Is org.eclipse.emf the correct groupId for referring to EMF artifacts?

> Strangely, I see the latest EMF artifacts only in groupId org.eclipse.birt.runtime ?!?
They have there own artifacts.

> thanks,
> Stephan
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Viele Grüße,
Dennis Hübner


With Regards, Martin Taal



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