Hi, EMF and EMF Validation teams,
(you're on the same mailing list)
I have submitted a couple of patches for memory leaks in the Papyrus project that are rooted in certain EMF components:
- Bug 433027 [1] - EMF Core: a case where the ECrossReferenceAdapter does not purge cross-reference settings for ETypedElements, which results in UML Profiles leaking via their dynamic Ecore definitions
- Bug 433050 [2] - EMF Validation: the TraversalStrategyManager leaks UML Profiles via their dynamic Ecore definitions
These two issues are of critical importance for Papyrus, because the major focus of the Papyrus is on DS(M)L tooling with UML Profiles, and these two issues each result in every model that a user opens in Papyrus that has a profile applied being retained in memory for the duration of the Eclipse session, even after all editors are closed. This includes the applied profile and its dependencies such as the UML Metamodel and other libraries and profiles. These quickly add up to OutOfMemoryErrors.
Can some committer from each of these teams please take some time to review my contributions so that we may commit fixes for Luna M7? I will be happy to make any amendments necessary in a timely fashion.