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Re: [embed-cdt-dev] Embed CDT v6.1.2-202102181132 release candidate

> On 18 Feb 2021, at 20:49, Trampas Stern <trampas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I still get this error when I run the debugger.

Sorry, but I cannot reproduce your problem.

I just tested with the new 6.1.2, on a freshly installed Eclipse, on Windows 10, and here is the result:

SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.94d Command Line Version

JLinkARM.dll V6.94d (DLL compiled Feb 12 2021 15:52:57)

Command line: -if swd -device stm32f407vg -endian little -speed 1000 -port 2331 -swoport 2332 -telnetport 2333 -vd -ir -localhostonly 1 -singlerun -strict -timeout 0 -nogui
-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file:                  none
GDB Server Listening port:     2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port:             2333
Accept remote connection:      localhost only
Generate logfile:              off
Verify download:               on
Init regs on start:            on
Silent mode:                   off
Single run mode:               on
Target connection timeout:     0 ms
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface:         USB
J-Link script:                 none
J-Link settings file:          none
------Target related settings------
Target device:                 stm32f407vg
Target interface:              SWD
Target interface speed:        1000kHz
Target endian:                 little

Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.


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