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Re: [elk-dev] New repository?

Am 21.06.2017 um 12:41 schrieb Christoph Daniel Schulze:
> Regarding additional repositories, I don't think that we have already
> decided on where to put the JavaScript version of the library (branch or
> additional repository). If we decide on the latter, we will need another
> repository, which would probably be called elkjs? elk.js? elk-js?

If the JavaScript version ends up in the eclipse/elk namespace I would
root for eclipse/elk.js as the repository name.
For consistency I would also root for the name elk.models for our data

| Nis Wechselberg                      |                            |
| Kiel University                      | Room 1112                  |
| Department of Computer Science       |                            |
| Real-Time and Embedded Systems Group |   work: +49 (431) 880-7297 |
| Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4          | mobile: +49 (176) 23644254 |
| 24118 Kiel, Germany                  |                            |

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