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Re: [egit-dev] Commit Validation

I also think that we should try to use hooks for this purpose. Validating commits is a very common use case for hooks and many people write scripted hooks to achieve that. As Andrey also mentioned let's not invent another way to achieve that. On the other hand I understand why you want to avoid scripting. But since we already have a way how we call external scripts it should be not so hard to call Java instead.  See [1], [2]. Having a subclass of GitHook which calls Java instead of external processes in doRun() should be easy, or? Just as a proof of concept one could start trying this. But of course more work is coming then (how to register, to to deploy hooks to installed IDEs (you have your own build of E/JGit, right?). But I guess it's less work than creating a new thing like validators separate from hooks.


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